The voice of the Peoplemover

X-S Tech

Active Member
Does anyone know the name of the woman was who did the Disneyland Peoplemover narration from the 1980's through the end of it's operation?

X-S Tech

Active Member
Come to think of it, does anyone know the name of the gentleman who did the Narration before Jack Wagner?
X-S, I've sent a couple of e-mails to ardent PeopleMover fans asking for their assistance; will advise if I hear back from them. Have you noticed the recent flood of PeopleMover files on a.b.m.d.p.? I picked up a couple not currently in my library.

X-S Tech

Active Member
No, I'm new to Rodentsections though, never did amdb. I always just did person to person trades before. What Peoplemover stuff did you get? Live? Years?
X-S, in response to a 'flood request' 95 files (PeopleMover and Tomorrowland Transit Authority) were posted; 17 of which are listed as source queue tracks for the PeopleMover and eight narration tracks. With respect to the source queue tracks, the first five are the standard PeopleMover songs but tracks 6-17 were new to me; the narration tracks span the '60s through the '80s. Please drop me a line in the message area and we'll figure out how to get these to you ASAP.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Hmmm interesting. The Peoplemover didn't use very much music. There was the standard 5 or 6 piece loop that played from the 70s till closing and prior to that they played just the monorail song. Then the Station itself played 3 versions of Go Go Goodyear. As for Disneyland that's it. There has got to be a ton of variations on the narration as this was updated for several atttraction changes and had at least 3 different narrators. As for all those music cues, they are probably all from the same Capital Records albums- similar in style but not used at DL. Some may have been used at WDW though...

Check your inbox diegorivera.


If any of those "source" music tracks played in WDW, it must have been before 1989 when the new age loop began playing.


I think I can hear The Monorail Song and later Nation on Wheels in one ORAC-1 live recording, the rest I have no idea. In a one minute Jack Wagner clip, I car hear a song that I recognize, but I don't know where from.


New Member
I can confirm I`ve heard both ORAC-1 and Wagner recordings from WDWs WEDway with The Monorail song playing underneath.

Hoping the amdpb files can make it MosueBits... I assume your reffering to a newsgroup? Never could get into them. IRC? Yes. Torrents? No problem. Newsgroups? Grrrr.. :)
