Parade of Dreams


New Member
Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams, currently performing at Disneyland, has a pretty fun soundtrack. Though the music of each individual float meshes into speakers along with the traveling floats, it is good music all around. I don't know why Disney has not released the soundtrack yet. It would bring in plenty of profit, which is what the business side of Disney is always looking for. I guess for now, we have to just visit everyday to get our dosage.
RU42 has released a multi-edit view of Parade of Dreams on, but the real gem is the audio recording he made of the show.

(We are updating things so check at later)

You must be a member of to download this file. (Windows Media Audio)

I'll think you'll all enjoy it.


New Member
Thanks for that suggestion. I will definitely download it. I am a member; your videos capture both the scenes and the atmosphere of the park. Thanks for such a great website.
