Luminous EPCOT Soundtrack


New Member


New Member
Interesting that narration appears in some places and not others. I suspect the goal was to highlight the composer's score which is always great as well. There are times though when I want to get the show just as I experience it in the park. That includes the exit music, which is present here, but not heard in the Harmonious release. The one thing about Luminous that I was extra excited about was the amazing percussion section just after the "in a few minute" announcement. In this release, they skip over it and just go right to "welcome to the great gathering." Oh well, guess I'll have to keep the YT-ripped version. But I'm glad they released it and I will always purchase and support official releases. Keep 'em coming, please.


New Member
All the songs on the album are available if you buy it (on iTunes, for example) but not for streaming. So if you listen on Spotify, you're out of luck since there's no option to buy.

Also, Disney is pirating itself a little. The opening music is verrry close to the music from the "Year of a Million Dreams" commercials from 2006, and the new song "Heartbeat Symphony" contains the lines:

You are a part of me, and I am a part of you

which echoes the lines:

It's been a part of me
it's been a part of you
[a part of growing up together
sharing a dream come true.]

It even has the same underlying chord progression.
