Disneyland Goes to the World's Fair?

Just so you?ll know, that image is from Bruce Gordon?s Mock-up. I?m trying to get that artwork cleared for use at this very moment. However, though it is indeed a 4 disc set, it will not be a ?Limited Edition? ? it will available everywhere.


All due respect, Randy, but I could kiss you straight on the mouth.

You are the man. Not a man, not that man, but THE man.

Great job!

How'd this all wind up coming together?
Never mind... saw your main post on the forum.

It seems the main post has disappeared (or at least I just can't find it) :-[

Also, I noticed on Amazon that a release date is no longer listed

"A release date has not yet been set for this title."

Has anyone heard anything about a change?

Oh dear... not good


New Member
Best Buy.com now lists the release date as February 10, 2009. I hope this doesn't turn into another "Disneyland Secrets, Stories and Magic" situation... :-
