Wonderland Music comment

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Har har, hardy har har, I'm sure Disney's Carol Lombard has heard cracks like that all her life. (Mrs. Clark Gable actually spelled her name Carole.) For those who wonder just what "our" Carol did, I can throw out a few of the songs where you will hear her voice, if you have these LP's in your collection...

She sings "Bye Yum Pum Pum" on the second cast version of THE HAPPIEST MILLIONAIRE songs; "Just Call Smarmy" and "If You'll Just Believe" on THE COWARDLY LION OF OZ; "Mrs. Yoop the Yookoohoo" on THE TIN WOODMAN OF OZ; and is in most of the songs on A HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY WITH WINNIE THE POOH. She also did a couple of BULLWHIP GRIFFIN 45's at the time that movie was released.


Any of this information usually accompanies a reissued recording; Randy did all of this(and more!) on his "famous" CD set several years ago.

I'm sorry for such a newbie question, but what is Randy Thornton's "famous" CD set? My guess is that it is the Classic Disney five CD set, but I'm unsure. Any help would be appreciated!



He's refering to the 75th Anniversay box set (limited edition and well worth tracking down). This is the nicest Disney music box set ever. The other GREAT box set is A Legacy in Song. This is also a good box set with a great book but without the restored animated soundtrack elements. If you have both of these sets, you are set! Next year we will get another must have box set: Disneyland's 50th. Can't wait!
Your friend,
Louis Gonzalez


He's refering to the 75th Anniversay box set (limited edition and well worth tracking down). This is the nicest Disney music box set ever. The other GREAT box set is A Legacy in Song. This is also a good box set with a great book but without the restored animated soundtrack elements. If you have both of these sets, you are set! Next year we will get another must have box set: Disneyland's 50th. Can't wait!
Your friend,
Louis Gonzalez

Thanks for your reply Louis. Is the 75th anniversary set the three disc (purple cover) available at The Disney Stores in 1998? If so, I DO have that (and it IS great!) If not, any addition help is appreciated.

I also have the Legacy in Song 3 disc set... you're right... it is another great set and was my favorite cd set as a child.

Is there a thread that talks about the 50th set with some details? I'd love to know more.



Yes, those are the box sets. You have them! As far as the Disneyland box set, it is still a work in progress, so while I know the details so far, a lot will change before the release date and then people will be angry that something wasn't included that was supposed to. It's better to wait until things are more firm. Some people might tell you here what is on them but I know for sure that NOTHING is set. There are only ideas, completed ride-throughs. If all the material that has been compiled so far (and a few that are still in the works) all get released, we are going to be very happy campers. Let's hope the lawyers don't get funny on this one. More soon...
Also - - The track listings on the Camarata "Alice" printout read "March of the Song" instead of "March of the Cards". Please fix.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Finally got around to picking up Babes in Toyland last night. I never know what's going to happen in this shop. There are about 3 CMs in the park who are familiar with the shop and Disney music/media in general but most of the time they just stick anyone in here. This usually results in a CM who doesn't give a fig for Disney music and resents being forced to listen to princess songs or Small World for 5 hours. This is the reason that you usually hear Radio Disney or Kid Jams or that sort of thing blasting through the shop. Anyway, the CM who was there last night was someone I had never seen but she was pretty well informed and was able to answer questions for guests pretty quick. But much to my chagrin, when a guest asked for a particular song (I wanna be like you) which she had to act out because she didn't know the name, the CM instantly recalled the title, walked over to the soundtrack section. She then proceeded to pick up the CD for the Jungle Book 2 (!!!!) which was sitting right next to the original JUngle Book. I almost plotzed. We just can't win.

X-S Tech

Active Member
No I realize that the sequel had the same song on it (albeit in a different version) and it also had like 4 versions of The Bear Necessities. It's just the principle of the thing.


as for the summer magic cd listing on the bac it appers the same way on the lp version minus the numbers.railroad rag and the two repraise songs are not listed on the orginal lp but is on the lp lapel on the record its self.And yes disney could do better with these reisssues but never look a gift horse in the mouth i'm glad for what there doing i loved tinpanorama as a child wore the lp out and now i can hear it gaian with out the crackly of my old lp.So i say who cares about the art work and liner notes i'm just way happy to have the old lps on cd.


They certainly have my support! I just purchased 13 of them and I can't wait for the next batch to come out in June!! ;D
