Wintertime Enchantment - Act I II & III (Winter Castle)

Club 33

Playlist Author
Hey, that's my induction recording! :) Hope people haven't been tossing it too hard.

Yeah- that was an interesting one. Between the mind-shattering loudness of the Main Street speakers and the mind-numbing dumbness of my old recorder (damn autogain...), I was never terribly happy with that recording. Hopefully I can get something better this year.

Speaking of which, this would be helpful if anyone knows because I don't remember, what time do the different acts play? I know Act III happens after the fireworks (or in lieu of the fireworks if their canceled).


New Member
Act 1 takes place at 5:30pm. Act 2 takes place sometime after the end of the "A Christmas Fantasy" Parade, so it's sometime after 7:15pm. I'll have to check on that for the real time.


5:30 and 7:30 then post fireworks. And ya your recording's been tossed around pretty hard. I try to make mention that it's your recording when it comes up on micechat or youtube videos
