Hi DisneyFanatic001-
My "favorite" Disney CD used to change around quite a bit. But since the mid-1990's, it's pretty much "stuck" as the B&TB Broadway soundtrack. Perfect, typical Broadway tunes.
Of the 600+ CDs I own, I've listened to probably 150 of them in their entirety . And of those, I've listened to possibly 75 more than once . I've got some BAD CDs in there, like the music box music and the banjo music and the King David soundtrack (I saw that live at the New Amsterdam too...LORDY, was that a BORING show !). I never really ask myself "why did I buy it" because I know WHY I bought it...it's a Disney CD...I don't need any other reason . But sometimes I question where I need to draw the line when I've got CDs of cover versions sung by teenyboppers entirely in French .
I DID draw a line while I was in TDL, though. I kept myself limited to ONLY TDLR CDs. No cover versions. None of the EuroBeat ones. Just the parks. I HAD to draw the line or I woulda wound up buying 50 CDs instead of 24. Funny story...I went to The Disney Store in TDL's Ikspiari, which is SORTA like Downtown Disney but with much more variety of shopping, and I asked the CM if the soundtrack CDs were sung in English or Japanese. She said they were in English, with a big smile on her face, thinking I would be happy to hear that I would understand the words. I said, "Oh. Thank-you anyway. I wanted ones that are sung in Japanese." Had to explain why...I already had them all in English...I'm looking for OTHER languages.
Speaking of which...I'm still looking for The Little Mermaid in Esperanto and Hunchback in Pig Latin....
Oh, and TOTALLY off topic, but do you know who is a REALLY popular character at The Disney Stores in Japan? Orange Bird!!! I couldn't believe it! I wound up getting an Orange Bird frame, ceramic figurine and a mug with him on it. Pity the Orange Bird clothing was only in little kids sizes.