Where are the Classics DVDs?


Does anyone know when Cinderella, Lady and the
Tramp and Sleeping Beauty will be out on DVD?
They can keep the new stuff, I want the classics!!!!! ::)
I also saw that Happiest Millionaire was out on an
off brand label, what's going on with that? It would
be nice to see a restored version of HM!! -Mitch


Thanks for the info- can't believe I've got to
wait until 2007 for Cinderella on DVD!! :-[
I guess we will just have to watch Cinderella
2, 3, 4 and the other sorry sequels that
Disney has been churning out! Personally I
just don't know what is going on with
Disney management. DIsney used to put
out grade A products now it seems that
grade D will do. -Mitch
