"When She Loved Me" Used in Daughter's Wedding

"When She Loved Me" Used in Daughter's Wedding

Hi Everybody!

I used to be a regular on Trent's board several years ago...and am afraid I've fallen away for awhile. I hope to be back on a more regular basis from time-to-time. I've been spinning up quite a few of my old Disney CDs quite a bit lately and realize I have some catching up to do.

I was just telling my story about my daughter's wedding for the umpteenth time and thought I'd share it with you folks here. Actually I'll post this link to the story as it appeared in a recent version of Guidepost Magazine:


I'll tell you...it was a beautiful moment. Disney music has always been a big part of my family's life. My daughter was just the right age for the new Golden Age of Disney films such as the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. We made out first trip to WDW in 1996 and my hobby of collecting Disney Theme Park and Film Music really took off. So, it was really fitting that my daughter and I got to share a moment such as that with the haunting voice of Sara McLachlan and the touching lyrics of Randy Newman. I readily admit--most times when I tell the tale--that when I saw Toy Story 2 in the theater and saw that scene play out, because of the parallel in my daughter's life, I cried. And it is the ONLY TIME I have ever cried at a film!

So, I hope you enjoy the story and look forward to renewing old acquaintances and making some new friends here on the Disney Music Discussion Forum. I'll especially be looking to find out what I've been missing when it comes to Disney theme Park CDs! :eek:



Re: "When She Loved Me" Used in Daughter's Wedding

You sure have a way with words, Mr Frezon!

Thank you for sharing! (Says he, looking for some kleenex!)


New Member
Re: "When She Loved Me" Used in Daughter's Wedding

Thanks for sharing the story, Mike! It choked me up....

Yes, I love that song, and that portion of "Toy Story 2." The image of Jesse's comforted smile that we see two times during that song are quite touching.

Add to that is the fact that my oldest daughter, currently age 11, is named Emily.
Re: "When She Loved Me" Used in Daughter's Wedding

I enjoyed your story Mike. My mother used to make all of our dolls and stuffed animals come to life for us as kids. What I mean is that she would make our dolls talk to us, which of course it was really her, but she made us think that they had real feelings and expressions. When I first heard this song, I couldn't help but cry. I cry every time I hear it. All I can think of is my mother making Jesse talk and say the exact same words that are in the song, and I can't help but cry. It just sounded like something she would have done. I am on the phone with her right now and she is telling me about putting up my niece's Bear and the Big Blue House stuffed animals on the top shelf in her closet because my niece has grown out of them. She started telling them that they weren't going away forever. She would come back and visit them soon. OK. Some people think she is really strange, but she always made my childhood fun.
Re: "When She Loved Me" Used in Daughter's Wedding

...and she is telling me about putting up my niece's Bear and the Big Blue House stuffed animals on the top shelf in her closet because my niece has grown out of them.
Not the TOP shelf?!!! :) With Wheezy?! :)

Thanks for the comments everyone. It's fun to be back--even if on a part time basis. And it has been a LOT of fun lately digging back into my fairly extensive Disney CD collection and revisiting some of my favorite tunes!
The link has changed once again. Darn interwebz...it's hard to keep up! ;)

With the release tomorrow of Toy Story 3 on home video, my story has been making the rounds again and I wanted to keep the links up-to-date.

Thanks, everyone. :D

HERE's that updated link.


DLRP explorer
Playlist Author
With the release tomorrow of Toy Story 3 on home video
You lucky people. Still three weeks to go to DVD release over here (22nd November) :angry:
I've pre-ordered from Amazon. At least it's less than half the recommended price :D
