What's with ABMDP?

Lots of good discussion here. I have found that Newsgroups, while a great place to GET stuff does have some massively rude folks who just get a kick out of raising a ruckus. And some demanding folks who would complain and complain that things weren't posted the way they liked. I got fed up with the lack of discussion there as well. I do find torrents easier and more friendly, and like some others here, I like the fact that you are going to share whether you want to or not with torrents. It just makes it more fair. And I got tired of arguing about the need to not post stuff like the OFFICIAL 50th 6 disc set Disney put out. The torrent group has the best attitude, or at least the attitude I agree with.


Speaking of sharing, I just wanted to report (many of you probably already know) I just posted the last in this round of Magic Monday releases over at Rodentsections. It's the Nemo Musical BGM loop, something I don't believe is in circulation anywhere else.

Now, if anyone wants to send something my way... Err.. Just kidding!

I'm about drained of new material right now, I'll have to get to planning another trip I guess.


New Member
Thanks for pointing me over to Rodentsections, I found the 2 videos I uploaded to ABMDP in January, and guess now I have somewhere to post the other stuff I recorded. I still have the big problem with torrents relying on people sharing the files and the speed of the download. With the newsgroup I would get a high consistent speed of download. Oh well.
