I'll admit that I got my collection started on the newsgroups long ago, and to me, yeah, it did seem like there was something new every so often. I never really had anything to share as everything was obtained from the newsgroups, so what would I contribute.
I think once or twice I made a request and nothing showed up. I don't know if it was because it didn't exist, or because I wasn't part of the inner circle. Just silence...
Then I found dc-torrents/Rodentsections. It seemed though that even though it appeared the same people were on dc-torrents that were posting on the newsgroups, when I asked a question, I got an answer on dc-torrents. Same with IRC for the most part.
That's why I have decided to post much of my "new" stuff on Rodentsections. For whatever reason it seems to work better. First off, the files get shared to others, you can't necessarily only leech like you can on the newsgroups, but yeah I've seen loads of snatch and runs. Second, I think it's easier for people to figure out bittorrents than the newsgroups. As strange as it seems, it does seems to work. And selfishly, I can track what people are interested in by the tracker stats. I've shared some real bombs, and some that I was very surprised had any interest. In the newsgroups, I can't see that.
I'm glad now though that I can finally share some new stuff with everyone. I just wish more people were willing/able to do the same. Which is actually part of the reason I ask to keep the Magic Monday releases on Rodentsections for a while. Maybe, just maybe, someone will "get it" and share some of the holy grails we're all looking for.
I know that not everyone can capture audio/video but if just one or two people try... Which reminds me, it's time to start working on my tutorial for capturing stuff. I promised that way back in February, but never got around to it. I hope to cover some recording equipment (mostly mine), making the necessary tools (microphones, battery boxes, etc) and also how to get those induction recordings, ALD captures, and stereo recordings from around the world. Then finally, some of the post processing techinques to clean up those recordings.
But, I do check out ABMDP just about every day, sometimes I still run across something I don't think I have.