What is the big deal with High School Musical?


New Member
I know...I know it's for kids and it's this generations Grease.....but I made myself watch it last night and I have to say the music is REALLY bad!

At least Grease had some good melodies. Oh I am showing my age...melodies...remember those?


The thing is that Grease had somewhat of an edge to it...folks seem to forget that it had "teens" singing about sex, being the neighborhood slut, gangs, and so on.
It had its element of cheese, but nowhere near the level of HSM...which is just a bit too chewy for me (though I don't hate it, it's ok).
Today's kids make GREASE a constant ratings winner (the ORIGINAL generation isn't what keweps advertisers rich!) and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL is IMO an excellent wholesome show, and I enjoy MovieTunes in theatres playing (thank you, Chris Eric Stephens).

DOn't forget HAIRSPRAY,too.
