WDW, TDL, DLP and HKDL Source Audio


New Member

Can anyone out there help me find source audio files from Walt Disneyworld, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris and Hong Kong Disneyland? You see, I am looking for sites where I can download source audio files from those themeparks.

I already have source audio files from Disneyland in California. However, when I was starting to search for Disney themepark source audio back in 2000/2001, I couldn't find many sites that had source audio from the other disney themeparks besides Disneyland in California.

Now, that it's 2008, I would imagine that there are more sites that might offer sound files from those parks. What would you suggest?


New Member
If you mean music visit Rodentsections.

Yes, I mean music. I'll look on Rodentsections.

I also mean complete attraction and atmospheric soundtracks. Would Rodentsections have those too?


DLRP explorer
Playlist Author
In a word, yes.
Remember that a lot of source material hasn't yet "escaped" from many of the parks (in particular, DLRP) but there are some pretty good induction recordings there as well - together with ride videos with source audio you can download and then just rip the audio track.
Basically, if it's out there and not commercially available, Rodentsections will have it.
There's also a request forum (read the sticky first) if you can't find what you are looking for.
I think you'll have a pleasant surprise.
There's more being added all the time.


DLRP explorer
Playlist Author
You are classed as a member of Rodentsections (I peeked) so, as Marko says, you should be able to see it ;)
They did, however, have a problem around the time you joined so you may need to post a request to get your membership fixed.
If you only see about three forums, something has gone wrong.
There should be ten.
If that's the case, ask for help in the technical forum which you will be able to see and they'll fix it pretty quickly for you. ;D
There's a thread - number 3, I think "why can't I view the forums", post in that if you need to.
