WDW Official Album 2 Disc set


New Member
I picked up my copy of this cd set a few days ago while in WDW. (It was $24.98 plus tax.) I am listening to it right now and it is WONDERFUL!!!! :):):)


New Member
Now I really miss WDW! I am sooo getting the new Official album, the ones I have are for 1997, 2000 & 2003, I need new songs! (we all do!) :)


please visit my site & sign my guestbook!!! It's under my name as I can't post that here 4 some weird reason! :rolleyes:

Dr. Know

It's no more temporary than any previous Official Album. Originally Randy planned to add a lot of new stuff to this album, but the workload of finishing the DL 6 CD set, combined with an earlier release date for WDW's album, forced him to postpone his more grandios plans until next year.

OK, its next year... now about those grandiose plans for a new 2 disc OA for WDW with some new material...?
