New Member
Tim, the song you're referring to was the welcoming song for Mickey's Birthdayland, which is now Mickey's ToonTown Fair, at WDW. "Mickey's Birthdayland Express" was played on the WDW Railroad train between the Frontierland and (now) ToonTown Fair stations, as you approached Mickey's Birthdayland. It was a very catchy tune... I remember it, too, and I don't even have a recording of it.
does anyone?
- Mike
Mickey's BirthdayLand Train Music
? Reply #7 on: July 23, 2003, 05:55:28 PM ?
You are right on about the music being played between Frontierland and Mickey's Birthdayland. That's where my parents' "incident" occurred.
Allow me to share my Disney Moment (for all those who want a good chuckle):
My mother, father, and younger sister and brother (I know, a natural "MFSB" if there ever was) were all on the train after 11 p.m. back in the summer of 1990. We had just watched the Main Street Electrical Parade finish in Frontierland, and we got on the train at the Frontierland station to head to Main Street. As we got on the train, my mother laid her portable cane/chair on the floor. She has had a severe back condition for most of her life, so she had to have it with her, especially for queu lines. The cane/chair was a walking cane that would unfold into a tripod seat.
Anyway, as the train made its way to Mickey's Birthdayland, the cane slipped off the train into the woods near the Indian Village. While it wasn't funny at the moment, we all laugh about it now. To make a long story short, we ended up riding that train around the park about 4-5 times in a row while Cast Members tried to find the cane in the late evening dark. We heard that "Rolling, rolling, rolling express" song waaay too many times. My brother, my father, and I ended up teasing my poor mom that she threw the cane off on purpose, and then we kept teasing her that the Indians from the Indian village snagged it and made it their centerpiece for their village.
So, as you can tell, that song holds a peculiar place in my life, and to be able to track down a copy of it would be fantastic!
If anyone has a copy, I'd love to obtain a copy.
Thanks for bearing with my story!