wdw comment


i just got back tonight from 8 days in walt disney world i was very disapointed the park was dirty the restrooms smelled and yes the carousel of progress was open and i did ride it alot but the fathers head in the 40's looks like an old pirate head the used when the old head broke.Alot of the rides keep breaking down and it's a small worls look like hell it was very seedy looking if this is the way disney wants to run things then i wont go there anymore.I go to disney for the rides and the cleaniness of the park i have gone there many times in the summer and have never seen it this mess up and the cast memebers where not nice.There where a few nice ones but the were few and far between.It wil be along tine before i got there again and waste my money on this disgrace to walts name.Esiner needs to get off his ass and see whats happening to the parks cause this time there was no magic just dirty rides and smell restrooms.Sorry but had to speak my mind and put the word out there how bad it was this week :'(
Ok I'll try to be constructive about this....

E-D-U-C-A-T-E yourself before ranting. Learn the chain of command at the parks. It's becoming to Cliche to blame Eisner for EVERYTHING. While it's obviously and well known he's not perfect, Other people are more directly responsible.

Second, it does ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD if you just complain on a forum over and over again. IMO it breed's dread and discomfort at times and harvests sometimes heated debates taht just often spiral off into personal insults. Gripes are ok but be constructive about them and voice your opinions PROFRESSIONALLY (not saying that you werent but you should see what comes across guest relations desks sometimes...It's a wonder people made it through the 3rd grade with little more than profanity).

Third, Pick and Choose your battles. The last 2 I've learned a lot about on my own and then I just suffered from burnout, retired for 2 weeks and then tried to help "the cause" a little more constructively. Complaining that they were out of ketchup at Club Buzz or Cosmic Rays is probably not the battle you want to choose at this point (this is an example). Instead focus on the larger problems things that would make the park better as a whole.

Good Luck, There are those of us that understand the plight. Some are even on the inside.

John's hair in the 1940s has been like that since last Christmas. Either they meant to make it look that way, or they just don't want to take the effort to put it back together! :eek:
I agree with D; pick your points of contention carefully. Am I disappointed in the overall condition of the parks -- yes. Does it take away from my overall WDW experience -- just slightly. If anything, it makes me appreciate just how special WDW was in the beginning. (As, I'm sure, DL was for the west coasters among us.)

While it's true that maintenance became a sore subject at both DL and WDW shortly after Paul Pressler came to the helm, it's largely due to economic reasons. The Walt Disney Company is driven to produce earnings for its shareholders and nothing else. Yes, that sucks for those of us who would like our parks to be outside of those concerns but it's not. Let's hope the overall economy picks up and more money can be budgeted to keeping the *magic* alive. In the interim, please notify CMs of things that need their attention; I've found them to be willing to go the extra mile when approached in a thoughtful and kind manner. Also, now that Paul has left and Jay Rasulo (former CEO of DLP) has taken over his responsibilities, things may change. Here's a quote from Rasulo dated last September we should be happy about: "Maybe we tilted the balance a little bit toward seeking efficiencies and cost reductions . . . Disney parks and resorts are fixtures of the landscape, and they certainly depend on the quality of the execution of the Disney brand . . . We're not going to compromise on that." We'll see.

If you're interested to see what others, who have felt the same way over the past few years, have done check out this site: http://www.wdwblues.com; please note the site's founder is no longer keeping up with it, it's just to let you know what someone else has done.

BTW -- anyone hear the market rumors that Disney is considering the purchase of Six Flags? While consolidation is a hot topic, this would be very unusual for the Disney folks. Hmmmm. . .


Yeah, I heard the Six flags rumor. I find it kind of disturbing myself that a company with such highly themed theme parks would even consider being involved with an amusement park chain like Six Flags. I know here in Denver, the Six Flags park has pretty much no theming, a view of the outside world (no berm), is very dirty, has rude operators, and the little theming they have is a direct rip off of Disneyland. However, I can also see the potential advantages. If Disney pumped a little money into the parks, maybe there would be mini-Disneylands all over the country! It would be intresting to see how the kids area plays out, as it is themed to Looney Tunes! Mickey and Bugs--just like Roger Rabbit, I guess? The other thing I can not figure out is why Disney would pay millions to buy someone else's lesser grade parks when there is so much to be done in Anaheim and Orlando. Just my two cents...


I find it interesting to hear general comments about how bad WDW has become over the years. I have been visiting the park on and off since the late 1970's, and certainly, there has been lots of changes. My last visit was in August of 2001, approximately 2 years ago, and I had a wonderful time. Sure, there were things I missed seeing, hearing, and experiencing from prior visits, but I did not find the level of service, cleanliness, and quality that I experienced as lacking. On the contray, it was every bit what I had come to expect from previous visits, minus the chance to visit a few favored now-extinct attractions (Horizons, WoM, Toad, etc).

The irony of this whole thing is that, prior to my last trip two years ago, I can recall reading similar "rants" about how WDW has gone down the tubes, how it was dirty, the CM's were less than professional, etc. Not necessarily here, but in other boards dedicated to Disney. Some complaints were well stated, detailed, and constructive in that you got to learn how to avoid experiencing a similar displeasure on your next visit. Others were more of the type stating, "It was dirty," "people were rude," or "the whole place stinks," with not a lot of specifics as to why the person felt that way. I've also had less-than-steller experiences, but those things can happen everywhere. It's the frequency of occurence that I look for--and, in my experience, those occurences have been few. maybe I'm just lucky. But, I live way up in upstate NY, and the closest park to my home is a Six-Flags affiliate that constantly exhibits an overall dingy atmosphere, less than perfect customer service, and attractions (well, ok--rides--there really are NO attractions!) that also leaving you comparing them with something you think is better. I could go into detail about that park , but this board isn't about that. It's about Disney. And each time I go to my local six-flags park, I wish I was going to WDW instead.

I'm going back down to WDW this coming January. It will be my 2 year old son's first trip, and my wife, my daughter and myself cannot wait for January to get here!

So, if you've got a gripe--I say spell it out so others can benefit from it. If you really think the park blows, don't go there. After all, there's always the steller quality a Six-Flags park experience provides.

Phew... I need a beer.
- Mike


Active Member
My turn. Can I have an extra-tall soapbox please?

I think the deterioration we've seen at Disney parks is the same thing we've seen at other companies throughout the decades. What's the difference between:

--Unfriendly CM's at WDW and unfriendly service people at at Sear's?
--Staying on hold for 60 minutes with 407-WDISNEY and staying on hold for 60 minutes with AOL?
--Attractions at DL needing repair work and your local park needing repair work?

When was the last time you stopped at a gas station and the service person smilled, said hello, pumped your gas, checked your oil and cleaned your windshield?

When was the last time you went to a department store and the sales clerks smiled, looked you in the eye and sounded like they meant it when they told you to have a nice day?

When was the last time the cable guy/gas guy/bug guy/Maytag repair guy was scheduled to come to your house in a window less than 6 hours and then CAME ON TIME?

Over the years, we've all gotten lazier and with it, have allowed others to become lazier. We all want things to be fast and easy and cheap, but with that comes less quality. Our expectations of the world have lowered considerably and it's a shame that we have to go to a top dollar store like Nordstrom's to get the quality of service that was the NORM, 30 or 40 years ago.

And then there's Disney. A place that has been #1 in our hearts since before we were old enough to know that we had hearts. The Disney brand is comforting for most of us, so when Disney lowers the pole, like we've allowed almost ALL the other companies in the world to do, we balk.

Is it a shame that DL's Tiki birds' building has no thatch? Of course it is. It's also a shame that you can't call the phone company and talk to a PERSON without going through lots of menus, but it's cheaper that way and we're not as emotionally attached to the phone company so we don't mind as much.

It's terrible that WDW has expanded so vastly that the CMs they hire now are not the cream of the crop, isn't it? It's equally as terrible that the local supermarket hires kids who chew gum, give no eye contact, talk more to the tellers next to them than to us (the paying customer). But we just go there to get food so it's not a big deal. Besides, we're not in the supermarket very long anyway, so just forget it.

The only difference is, Disney is Our Disney.

The only way we can make Disney change is to hit them where it hurts the most...in the pocketbook. And there is no way to get a large enough group of individuals to boycot All Things Disney, in an effort to resume higher quality. The Southern Baptists showed us that. There will ALWAYS be a larger group of people who DO go to Disney parks, to offset the small-but-mighty group who don't.

So what do we do? Keep fond memories of simpler times and treat Disney the way we treat life itself...embrace what we DO have, because we never know what tomorrow will hold.


Jessica L

If you're looking for excellent customer service, I highly suggest you stop in a Build-a-Bear Workshop. I work there and the guidelines for interacting with guests are just like the standards Disney (used to?) set.

Great guest service does still exist in some places - but I completely agree with everything you've said Sharon! As a company gets bigger, it begins to lose sight of all the values it stands for.

Whew.....just got back from WDW yesterday, part of a 2 week Maine-to-Florida roadtrip.....catching up to do.....certainly some comments would be appropriate....

Sure there may be some maintenance/housekeeping issues--but the overflowing receptacle alongside the line in Norway's Maelstrom did eventually get emptied! And let's put things in perspective; when I think of the continuously urine-scented "john" at our local Borders, a reasonably respectable establishment you'd think, any of WDW's rest rooms would be considered squeeky-clean in comparison. And to carry things further, if more of WDW's guests displayed even the simplest of social graces, maybe the parks could be cleaner, and the "Disney sweeping people" money saved could be funnelled back to attraction maintenance and development. WDW is waging a difficult war against an apparently uncivilized swarm of individuals; what kind of person leaves dirty Pampers in the stands upon exiting Fantasmic, or a table and floor littered with partially eaten food and spilled drinks? People should stop blaming WDW solely for a lack of cleanliness and take some of the responsibility themselves. Anyway, enough social commentary and bathroom humor......

The comments in my latest 3-page letter(pre-trip) to the executive offices didn't focus on the bathrooms, but the "global picture," especially regarding WDW's Magic Kingdom--a stagnating 20,000 Leagues lagoon; "seasonal" attractions(what the hell does "seasonal" mean in a year-round resort that has come to define "vacation"?); closed galleries/stores--and no more caramel corn at Sleepy Hollow, which I look upon as simply a symptom of the the general malady of excessive and inappropriate budget-cutting. And what has been given the Magic Kingdom over the past few years--Aladdin's Magic Carpets, for example, a stock ride that has forever choked Adventureland and changed the exotic atmosphere to that of a carnival(at least I've discovered the Animal Kingdom Lodge, where we've stayed in March and this recent trip--my "new" Adventureland).

With regards to more current thoughts from my recent trip, I must say that my recent anger was temporarily calmed by an open Carousel of Progress(at least on one day, closed the next--but you know how it goes with these darn seasonal attractions!), and by being able to experience Mission Space, which had just opened(unofficially) only a few days before our arrival--a definite "E-ticket" experience Walt would have approved of. And with "Expedition Everest," an "E-ticket" encounter with the yeti looming on the horizon for 2006, I started thinking that maybe I should be patient with some of the Magic Kingdom issues, give them some time, and look at the "global picture" at WDW, and try not to focus on the woes of the Magic Kingdom.....but then again, they still didn't have the caramel corn machines up and running at Sleepy Hollow....g-r-r-r-r-r-r......trying to think of those fond memories of simpler times that Sharon K. referred to......but still smelling that caramel corn.......

Bill, as I said, I'm certainly not bought and sold yet, but my concerns were somewhat tempered knowing that quality attractions, with the attention to detail that Walt always demanded are still in the wings; I felt that Mission Space was that sort of "space adventure." Certainly standards for cleanliness and friendliness should never be lowered, I don't think they have been, but all I'm saying is for people to stop always pointing the finger at WDW--it's always seems to be someone else's fault in 2003. We can't blame Mickey for leaving a dirty diaper behind, as he's been toilet trained for well over 50 years.



Good points made by all!

Here is my 2-cents worth.
I too am generally dissatisfied with the state of the parks in general. My beefs seem to usually stem from the little things... the trash, the no smiling cm's, the peeling paint, etc, etc... as we all know, the list rambles on. However, in the parks defense and in agreement with some of the above posts... the overall lack of intelligence and any resemblance of manners, from the guests, is frightening at best! While I may be let down with the cm's, I have never wanted to punch one of them (now some high ranking execs are another story)... I have wanted to beat sensless a large number of guests!
People do turn off their brains when they step foot inside the parks. This does require Disney to move the focus, and therefore the money, to other places. Now don't think that I'm saying that this is the exact reason why the roof of the tiki room hasnt been touched in what looks like centuries, but it should give one pause. That non-smiling cm probably has handled an absurd number of outragous customers. Obviously this is part of their job, but... anyone in customer service (which I am) can attest that we have a breaking point. The money spent on extra trash handlers is probably being spent on these safety pins... come on, what idiot needs to be reminded to wait till the vehicle STOPS before you get in it and other such obvious nonsense. It seems nowadays you can try to kill yourself inside the park, and if you fail you can sue them for not idiot-proofing everything, and if you succeed then your family can sue!

Anyway, as with most problems, the cause is from more sides than just Disney's.

My suggestion is that instead of searching your bag they should give idiot tests at the gate. If you cant pass the test you cant go inside the park. I dont know about you guys, but that would make me feel safer. Then park attendance would fall, the lines would be shorter, and when groups decide to not visit the parks because of the neglect or poor decisions on the execs part, they would be forced to fix or take a huge hit in the $$$$
Maybe a benifit is they would start to sell more park music again to supplement the lost 'idiot income' they rely on now.

I need to stop now.

Tim :p
Thanks for the "speech," Tim--now, take a breath.....

Are the "unenlightened" guests we are referring to necessarily barbarians?.......n-o-o-o-o.......

Are they blatantly disrespectful?......y-e-e-e-e-s!

Why should visiting a Disney park be any different from visiting a remote, pristine wilderness site, where an effort is made to leave the area as beautiful as it was before you entered? It's only a matter of simple courtesy and kindness, traits we tend to see less and less of these days.

Maybe some signs reminding people to be kind to the park environment wouldn't be a bad idea, instead of only reminders that "you might get wet on this attraction"!



Active Member
Signs don't work. There are signs at DAK for people to not feel animals...and they still do. There are signs at the Lego store at DTD to not climb on the rocks and Lego sculptures but kids still do. People don't read signs. They either don't see them, ignore them or can't read them. Signs don't do diddlysquat.

You're probably right, Sharon, reading does present a challenge--but then paintball also requires a skill. I suppose the last resort is probably the easiest to institute--electroshock therapy, triggered right at the turnstiles upon entry--as Tim Curry says in Alien Encounter, "It's practically painless!"

OK Bean, you want a description of Mission Space? Here's a blow-by-blow, potential spoilers included.....

You are preparing for a flight to Mars(I went 4 times).

You are entering the International Space Training Center, ISTC. Upon entering the enclosed queue area, you see a large prop from the 2000 Touchstone Pictures movie, "Mission to Mars," along with an actual back-up Apollo Lunar Rover on loan from the National Air and Space Museum. Further along, behind a glass window, you see cast members actually monitoring the operation of the attraction. Next, you're ready to get sorted into a ready room--10 lines of 4 in this enclosed room, decorated with astronaut suits. The door is then closed, and the video monitor lights up. Actor Gary Sinise is "CapCom," capsule commander, who debriefs you about your flight training, and introduces you to your space vehicle, the X-2(the rocket on "Walt Disney Takes You to Disneyland", the LP, is the X-1). A female assistant then warns you to always look forward when your ship is "in flight"--leaning forward and looking to the side could cause severe dizziness and vertigo. Apparently when looking only forward, you can't sense the whirling that is actually happening to generate the sense of a "g" force(I remember when at a neurology conference, the speaker reminded us in his "dizziness lecture," that Walt Disney World is one of the few places on earth where people actually pay money to experience vertigo).

OK, the exit door opens, and you are ushered to another readying area, outside your assigned capsule. There are 10 4-person capsules to each "centrifuge," the flight simulator which generates the "g's" you will feel, four centrifuges total--160 victims riding at a time. Things are definitely getting a little tense now--CapCom comes back on the video monitor again, and you receive your mission assignments--commander, pilot, navigator, or engineer. During the flight, each person will have two assignments, two buttons to push on the control panel--CapCom will instruct when to act. For instance, as engineer, one of your assignments will be to "Engage hypersleep!" Playing along, things do seemingly get tense at times. Next, it's into the capsules.

All four trainees are then seated next to each other, the restraint harnesses lowered. The control panel with flat panel plasma computer screen and high resolution graphics is advanced quite close to you, and the capsule door closed--claustrophobics beware! The digital stereo system kicks on, and you're ready for lift-off; this is, of course, after the vomitus is cleaned up and the area disinfected outside the capsule--a 16 year old who probably looked sideways after a plate of nachos.

Now you're pulse quickens as the "g's" kick on. One g is normal gravity; two makes you feel like you've doubled your weight. A normal shuttle mission exposes the crew to a maximum of about three g's. Disney won't confirm how many g's Mission Space is, but it's probably close to two. I must say, I've never experienced any sensation like having that rocket lift off; my arms didn't exactly slap back at my face when lifted(I think I could probably hold my camcorder to get the audio), but remember Woody's face, hanging onto the rocket in Toy Story? A tempoary face lift was definitely in effect.

You're next in outer space, with a sensation of weightlessness after those g's--then another thrust off the moon(sorry, I don't understand the psychics here)--deeper space, and then, hypersleep. All along, you're having a virtual reality experience watching the video monitor in front of you. Suddenly you're rudely awakened from hpersleep by a meteor shower--the capsule lurches--and Mars is in sight. More g's, and you're landing on the Martian surface(I think I read somewhere that the images you see of the planet are based on actual photos).

And just when you think you've made it safely, of course the imagineers throw in a curve ball--you overshoot the landing strip and have to go into manual drive, veering through Martian canyons, CapCom ordering you to pull different directions on the "joystick" in front of you. Finally you stop on an ice shelf--which promptly crumbles, leaving your ship teetering on the edge--"Don't move a muscle," orders CapCom. Your X-2 steadies, and your mission ends, a resounding success, cheers from mission control.

WHEW.....that was as exhausting as the 4 minute experience.....sorry about the length, but I think that's most of it........damn, I've only been back home 5 days, and getting the urge to "fly" again(need to take a quick look sideways)......

Thanks Mike...

I have read that many riders come back very ill. Did you experience any motion sickness?

I am already sure that when I ride, my wife will not be going with me.
Aladdin's Magic Carpets...

Don't get me started. That is about as far from a quality Disney Attraction as one could get in this day and age. I have actually had cast members bring up the Magic Carpets when I mention that they really need some new attractions.

My response is generally...No...You don't understand...I'm looking for the kind of attraction that would take place inside a massive show building.

I keep hearing underwhelming reports about the DCA Tower of Terror. I am eagerly anticipating Jeff's review. Probably say that it is the greatest Disney Experience since Light Tragic. lol
......and they ruined the feel of Adventureland with it. It was supposed to be an exotic outpost, not a carnival.

As far as motion sickness, Bean, I'm fairly resilient--I didn't have any problem on Mission Space--but then again, I kept looking pretty much straight ahead as recommended, maybe that is the key. The only time I've had any motion-induced nausea was on Cyber-Space Mountain at Disney Quest(multiple inversions in an enclosed capsule).....I couldn't get my wife to experience Mission Space, which, by the way, I would definitely rate higher than Tower of Terror, as much of a fan of the Twilight Zone that I am.

Do you have an upcoming trip plannned?


Dr. Know

I don't have motion sickness problems -- no problems ever with Space Mountain, Rockin Rollercoaster, Body Wars... but Mission:Space did me in. I was white as a ghost and nauseus for about 3 hours. Afterwards, I went over to The Land and nearly lost my cookies on Living with the Land. People must have thought I was the biggest weanie!

Give me an immersive, massive show building packed with AA's anyday over a spinning centrifuge and a bunch of video screens. Two thumbs down. Bring on Soarin'!
