Way OT - Medical Stuff (Yo! 1313!)


Active Member

Touch?! I like you, even though you're as cheeky as hell .

You say "hemianopia," "I say "hemianopsia," let's call the whole thing off (wow, I even got some music into it, albeit not Disney music ).

Yeah, the dressing apraxia is really cool to watch...don't think I've ever seen it to this extent in practice (been doing this for 15 years)...just read about it in books...and NEVER where the person was aware enough to be able to be taught compensations. She concentrates SO hard to "do it right" but still winds up with the shirt on backwards, or her left arm in the head hole. I spent 2 hours writing up "how to put on a nightgown/pullover shirt/sports bra" and "how to put on panties" lists, complete with pictures...will introduce them today and hope she can follow the visual cues (she can do it with auditory cues but I'm not going to be there forever).

You know WAY too much for a layman. What's your story?



Re:Wat OT - Medical Stuff (Yo! 1313!)

... I spent 2 hours writing up "how to put on a nightgown/pullover shirt/sports bra" and "how to put on panties" lists, complete with pictures...
And to think I spent weeks on the dean's detention register for detailing the "how to take *off*" variant of those self-same lists. Complete with pictures, too!

Life's not fair...



Active Member
Re:Wat OT - Medical Stuff (Yo! 1313!)


Sigh. She had problems following the written directions and pictures. BUT...if I READ the directions to her, she can do it with 80% accuracy. SO...I'm gonna read it all into a tape recorder. AND she's decided to pay someone to help her get dressed in the morning. So all is better in the world.

You still didn't fess up...



Active Member
It won't.

She can take her panties OFF, no prob, quick as a wink.

And before you get excited, she's 79. And I've seen her without her bra on and, well, like I said, don't get excited . Gravity sucks .

My boss took one look at the accompanying photos and just laughed. Rat fink....

