Waiting for the "new" 2007/08 WDW OA

Greetings WDW music fans,

I'm sitting here wondering when the "new" WDW OA will be released and most of all, what new tunes will be on it ? ... Hopefully our emails, letters and blogs have convinced the powers that be, to release a WDW OA with everything we Disney audiophiles crave and desire.

Wouldn't be cool to have an Epcot disc with every the illuminations on it?
What about a disc with all the anniversary parades on it, past and present?

We all know, that we are gonna get the same standard tunes/files that the average guest wants (IASWAA, TIKI, YOHO, Grinning Ghost, etc..) but this time around, I hope that us Disney audiophiles get want we want and deserve ... NEW AUDIO TRACKS from WDW!!!

Thanks and I'll get of the soap box .... next.

Oh .... I guess I'm the only one wondering what might be on the next 2007/08 WDW OA(s) ....
and I'm the only one who would love an "IllumiNations thru the years" disc ... also, the only one hoping for a disc(s) with all the anniversary parades on it, past and present?

Show the love for an IllumiNations disc and an anniversary parade disc!



i have it on good authority that we will see reflections of china audio on this oa
