Video of "Animazement"

I have a large format video, posted for a limited time, of "Animazement". It's in MPEG format, and is 260 megabytes (about a 20-30 minute download with cable/DSL). I can only keep it on the server for about a week, since the bandwidth to host this file is outrageous, so enjoy!

(right click on filename once there, choose "save target as", etc). Enjoy!

Chris Lang
Webmaster, The Disneyland Source
It's not even 2 days later and I can't find the Animazement video! Arrrrgh! Did I miss it? I hope not as I would LOVE to see that show again. I know it wasn't popular with everyone, but i LOVED it when I visited Disneyland. With the exception of the "Believe" fireworks, it was my favorite thing there.

Anyway, Chris, let us know if I am just too braindead to find it correctly on your site.

And, a hearty thanks for all you do to maintain such a fantastic web site!
I'm sorry you missed the posting. I took it down this morning. It was actually posted for 3 days (I had posted on about it also). With the large filesize (250 megs!) and the transfers, I was becoming dangerously close to blowing my transfer limit for my server (which would mean some extra $$$ to host it, which, judging by initial response, I didn't see it was worth it).

However, anyone interested in the video should contact me at and I will make it available for download for you. (I won't post a link however, that was a bad move on my part...).

I also have a RealMedia version I will be posting as well, which will be more "56k user" friendly.

Sorry you missed it!

Chris Lang
Webmaster, The Disneyland Source
