Most assuredly, frustrating times. Our frustration stems from our dream of the Walt Disney Company as it was, headed by Walt himself. Of course Walt's vision, too, had to be tempered by the confines of the company's current finances, but the driving force was always the vision; simply stated, that just isn't the case today.
As Bill referred to earlier, Walt was always looking to the future, ready for the next step; he certainly would have investigated the possibilities of computer imagery, while at the same time recognizing its limitations, and ultimately finding a suitable place for it in his vision. He wouldn't have sacrificed his more traditonal endeavors, the very foundation of his dream. He wouldn't have stumbled down an alternative path, chasing an ever fickle audience, guided by dollar signs, while his artistry ultimately suffered.
Maybe we should just wait this one out a little longer, and let some of the recent debris settle out. Then maybe someone, or some people, with a heart and a soul, will once again realize the simple value of a beautifully drawn image, painted with fantastic characters--and beautiful songs. Then, like the phoenix in the recent Harry Potter film, the Walt Disney Company can rise again from the ashes to realize our dream once again.......or is that too much of a fairy tale? Mike.