Trader Sam's [Holiday]

Playlist Trader Sam's [Holiday]

Magic Music

Playlist Author
Magic Music submitted a new playlist:

Trader Sam's [Holiday]
Disneyland Hotel
Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar Area Music [Holiday]
(November 2011 to Present Day)​

01. Polynesian Village Love Theme 3:12
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
Aloha, Baby!
 iTunes   MP3 

02. Blue Christmas 2:36
Jerry Byrd
Christmas in Hawaii
 CD   iTunes   MP3 

03. Black Sand, Blue Sea 4:04
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
 CD   iTunes   MP3 

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Magic Music

Playlist Author

Do You Hear What I Hear?

I made a digital recording of Trader Sam's holiday loop last Sunday afternoon at Grog Grotto's Tiki Terrace. I'm tidying up a couple/few details and will be making the playlist visible in very short order.

I know that others have already posted playlists to Spotify, iTunes, Google, etc., but most of the ones that I've seen include an erroneous track or two or are missing as many as five or six tracks. I've also done my best at identifying the correct source albums. I hope you will enjoy the results!

Club 33

Playlist Author
Jay, it is worth noting that a fully accurate playlist for this loop based on a reference recording, was posted to MouseBits back in winter 2014/2015. That playlist begins with Silent Night from Santa's Gone Hawaiian and varies on one or two source album selections.

I point this out only so that if anyone sees a playlist for this posted elsewhere online, there aren't any unnecessary disputes about authorship/credit.

Magic Music

Playlist Author
Jay, it is worth noting that a fully accurate playlist for this loop based on a reference recording, was posted to MouseBits back in winter 2014/2015. ... I point this out only so that if anyone sees a playlist for this posted elsewhere online, there aren't any unnecessary disputes about authorship/credit.

I have no access to Mousebits, nor do I want it, as I do not condone piracy. The playlist posted here on Magic Music is based upon my own November 26, 2017 recording. I had seen previous efforts on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc., that were not always accurate, and that are in fact why I decided to spend my own time getting to the bottom of things.
That playlist begins with Silent Night from Santa's Gone Hawaiian and varies on one or two source album selections.

I'm all ears. On what basis was the first selection determined? And what album(s) do you take issue with?


New Member
Hey guys, I'm the dude that logged the "original" playlist back in 2013. I don't have any official starting track for the loop, as I haven't noticed any large enough gap between songs etc. Silent Night was simply determined the first track as it was the first one played on my visit at opening.

I took a very quick look at the playlist and it seems right - 43 tracks, nothing glaring. If you guys want I'll compare it to my own and see if the tracks align. This was a very simple loop to knock out! EDIT: The tracks align. Starting point is to one's preference I'd say, not an issue to me considering it's an endless loop.

Magic Music

Playlist Author
I don't have any official starting track for the loop, as I haven't noticed any large enough gap between songs etc. Silent Night was simply determined the first track as it was the first one played on my visit at opening.

Hey, Keith, how's it going? Yup, it was easier to figure things out back when they were using CDs. I'm going with Nick (you know him) on this one as he says it's what he hears every time they power up the Grog Grotto. Of course, Nick has known to be wrong about other things. :ROFL: You do see this sort of behavior elsewhere. You can set your watch to the loop over at Pop Century — with the exact same song playing at the exact same time(s) every single day. It's madness, really! :confused:
Starting point is to one's preference I'd say, not an issue to me considering it's an endless loop.

Absolutely. As loops go it makes no difference. Well, except for setting your watch. :rolleyes: I only get anal about it because people at home aren't generally playing these things in circles, so... if I happen to know where it "starts," that's what I'm going to go with. In this case, whether Nick is right or wrong, I rather like ending on "Auld Lang Syne." :)

On the subject of "starting points," it's worth noting that since we're quite often dealing with "DJ LMNOP" here at WDW, my affectionate nickname for the idiot who thinks music should be played in alphabetical order, there can be no question as to where his/her loops actually "begin" and "end." :ROFL:
