Tiki Room Lanai Music [DL]

Club 33

Playlist Author
You know, I have to admit, I'm still a little self-conscious when it comes to this whole Disney music thing. Music loops, specifically. I've only been on the scene a few years- heck, I've only recorded a couple of loops in their entirety. I considered my first full recording of an hour long music loop a bit of a rite of passage.

But I also feel like a bit of a whimp. I've used software like Shazam to identify unknown tracks in loops, which is great. But I think of Horizons with his 5 hour Fort Wilderness loop, or the thousands of tracks of Hawaiian music Jay has scoured through to ID the Polynesian loop. The two tracks in my Grand Californian Exterior loop listing I couldn't ID using software? Still unidentified.

And Jay's identification of the [post=30400]Polynesian loop[/post] (looking forward to that full listing, by the way) reminded me of an old recording I'd done of the Disneyland Enchanted Tiki Room Lanai music.

While the show is playing inside the Tiki room there are four distinct show segments that play in the waiting area (the "Lanai," which is Hawaiian for veranda, sometimes referred to as the Tiki Room "Garden") outside. The first one to play once the guests are completely loaded into the theater is some area music that is unique to this one location. Once the doors close the area music fades in and plays for about 6 minutes. Then it fades out and the "Flavor of Hawaii" Dole pineapple film begins to play. The film (which also includes the Dole product parade) is immediately followed by the Garden Show featuring the tiki gods, which is then followed finally by the load spiel and load music. Then the entire thing starts over.

There is a piece of music 16:38 in length that has circulated under the title "Lanai BGM Loop" that is apparently from the original attraction. As far as I know the current loop was installed during the 2004 refurbishment.

Now I have yet to make a long enough recording to determine if it is the same 6 minutes of music that plays every single time (based on casual observation I don't believe that this is the case), if there is a longer full loop that is getting faded into and out of again, or if there are multiple 6 minute segments that rotate. I hope to go down next week and figure this out.

However, there remained that recording, with the 6 minutes of music I had. Shazam and Midomi both turned up nothing. The tracks would have to be identified the (new) old-fashioned way- listening to samples from CDs online (the truly old fashioned way, of course, would involve listening to actual CDs or records). This was something I really didn't think I was up to but, restless at 3am, I decided to give it a try.

Since all I had was 6 minutes, and I've listened to the recording many times since 2007 when I made it (not to mention having ridden the attraction just this past Wednesday and waiting an entire show cycle in line to get my Dole Whip), I figured I'd probably be able to recognize any of the songs from the recording if I heard them. I started with the music from the Polynesian loop that Jay had IDd. One song by The Maile Serenaders had a similar kind of sound to it. I listened to the rest of the tracks on the album and on the other albums by the same artist. I then followed some of iTunes' "You Might Also Be Interested In..." suggestions and listened to several other albums. No dice.

Next I tried searching for, quite literally "hawaiian music". After listening to a few albums that had a similar kind of sound to them, I arrived at "Steel Guitar Magic - Hawaiian Style" by All-Star Hawaiian Band. I listened to several of the tracks, similar sounding, but nothing familiar. Until I got to one track, "Pearly Shells". This one had a lick I definitely recognized from the recording. Sounded pretty similar too. I listened again. Then I switched and listened to the track from the recording. Very similar. I switched back and forth a few times.

Now I figured, this probably isn't the right version, but knowing the name of one of the songs would certainly help me to narrow my search considerably. Since the songs in the loop are all of a very similar style I had long assumed they were all from the same artist, if not the same album, so finding one would likely allow me to ID the whole loop. I did a search for all versions of "Pearly Shells," as well as a Hawaiian name I found (Pupu O Ewa). None of the other versions sounded as close as the first I'd found. Oh well, I figured, let's spend 99 cents and see how close it is.

I bought it and imported it and the recording into Audacity. I lined them up and- a perfect match.


I'd expected this to take hours, days, months! And here I'd been looking for what, 30 minutes maybe and I'd found it?

Oh and it get's better. I was right. I found all of the other tracks present on my recording- every single one of them, on that same album.

So. That was easy. Makes one wonder if someone at Disney also searched iTunes for "Hawaiian Music" and used what came up. I guess there's such a thing as beginner's luck after all!

During my next trip, which will hopefully be next week as mentioned, I will be recording at least two complete show cycles (as many as it takes before I hear the same track again) to see if there are additional songs in the loop. That information, when completed, will be posted on my blog. In the mean time, here is a listing, in order, of the songs present on my recording:

1. Kaimana Hila (in recording, fades in starting at 1:56)
2. Lovely Hula Hands
3. Pearly Shells
4. Mekanani Kaupo (in recording, fades out at 0:50)

All tracks from Steel Guitar Magic, which according to Amazon is by a guy named Jack de Mello. Also available in iTunes under the album and artist information mentioned above.


Playlist Author
I tell you, ID'ing music isn't fun, at least not to me. I consider Jay to the the master at making playlists the old fashioned way. Someday, I hope he shares his secrets with me over a beer at Dawa Bar.

You got lucky C33. I've had similar luck in the past, where it only took 30 minutes to identify a group of tracks. But then you have projects like Serka Zong from the Animal Kingdom. I've spent a good 8 hours over a span of many months on this project, only coming up with 6 of the tracks (this was pre-Shazam).

Thanks for taking the time to come up with the playlist. While I normally pass on collecting anyting outside of WDW, DL's Tiki Room is one of my exceptions (among a few others), so I'll be purchasing the CD later this evening.


For those of us not near the parks, but music enthusiasts, the time you guys spend on IDing stuff is amazing and I thank you for doing that.


New Member
I think the Live365 station I mentioned in the Star Trader thread, Uncle Walt's Place, has the entire loop, though again the tracks aren't labeled. I should figure out how to contact the DJ and see if they might sign on here and help out the rest of us poor schmoes.
Disneyland's Enchanted Tiki Room has had three Lanai tracks. The first set used until the rehab and removal of United Airlines to Dole, then set TWO used until the 2004 rehab where a 3rd new set was added. The Tahitian Terrance Restaurant did NOT share the same BGM tracks of the Tiki Lanai and had its own music track.




DLRP explorer
Playlist Author
What a stroke of luck :eek:
Being fairly new to this (and miles away from a park - how I envy the "I'll slip in there tomorrow and check" crowd ;) ),
I don't forget the hours spent listening to samples on Amazon when you only have the genre to go by (three weeks of military band music for Toad Hall - I'm singing Oom-Pah-Pah in my head now) and all for one track (Coburg, by the way).
Even worse when you don't even have a playlist and have to identify from the music alone (often totally alien to your usual musical tastes ). I wouldn't know where to even start with the Norway loop (old).
Then the disappointment of finding what you think is the right one - yes, it's sounding good -OHMTIDDLYOHMPOMPOM - what???- that shouldn't be there - bother, wrong one, start again :eek:
Then there's the finding that someone else has already done it and you think "I'm wasting my time" only to realize the listing is wrong and has been lifted from a certain site with links to incorrect CDs so off you go again with renewed enthusiasm to get it right.
No Shazam only Tunatic. Hours spent playing music into a virtual keyboard on a tunefinder site.
What have you guys started? Whatever it is, it's catching :(
My wife has had herself immunized against it and, when I rush in shouting "I've found it, it's xyz by abc" she nods in an understanding manner and asks if I would like a coffee making ;)

Are we just dedicated enthusiasts or should we seek treatment ;)

Club 33

Playlist Author
Well what I find so ridiculous is that, clearly, someone had to go through and pick out this music, compile a list and license it. All of these lists exist somewhere. Disney should make them available rather than us having to go through all of this ridiculous work to try and figure it out,

Of course, at least at WDW Guest Relations has some lists which can be helpful. Guest Relations at WDW just tells you to go to DisneyMusicLoops.com (the woman even wrote it down for me), which hasn't been updated in two years now.

I think if you actually like the music (at least when you start) it can be a fun journey. I know I'm enjoying listening to the Hawaiian stuff.


DLRP explorer
Playlist Author
There's nothing more frustrating than getting hold of an "official" list to find the information is pretty useless.
When we were compiling the tracks for Toad Hall and drawing a blank, wedroy1923 contacted DLRP for the playlist and this is what they sent:
  1. Merrily, Merrily
  2. Medley: Big Ben etc.
  3. Country Gardens
  4. HMS Pinafore Medley
  5. The Blaydon Races
  6. Medley: Drink to Me Only/ Fife/Drum
  7. British Grenadiers l
  8. Medley: Hi Road/Lo Road, Drunken Sailor
  9. Pub song medley: Don't Dilly Dally
  10. Men of Harlech
  11. Merrily, Merrily
  12. Medley: Waltzy Music Hall
  13. Pirates of Penzance March
  14. More Pirates of Penzance
  15. Coburg
  16. Loch Lomond/Comin' Through the Rye
  17. Famous British Marches
  18. Sea Chanties Medley
  19. The Ash Grove
  20. Famous Songs of the British Isles
Look at the entries for numbers like 9, 17 and 20 ;)

Now compare that to the listing on my blog (compiled by myself, wedroy1923 and needmagic).
Between us we actually managed to better the official listing by finding the actual names of the "Famous songs of the British Isles" etc. (OK, we will get around to listing the individual G&S tracks eventually).
Again, with Disneymusicloops, there are some which have tracks missed out (not just a blank) - the final track of BTM, for instance isn't shown and they have the loop ending with the penultimate track.
Even with cases of "someone's already done that", there can be changes to make.
I think that's why we are so very lucky to have dedicated "loopers" like Horizons and Jay who work so very hard to ensure accuracy. We KNOW their loops are correct and we know they probably have reference recordings to back them up.
The BTM area at DLRP also has a reference recording made by needmagic last May (live and available over on Rodentsections if anyone wants to check it - rather than rely on what's floating around the Internet - always nice to know you are using a genuine recording and not a reconstruction). :(
Interestingly, "that" site lists several of the BTM tunes as available on iTunes.
I listened to them, and, as half expected, same tunes but wrong versions of them (again).
Yes, it's great fun finding a source CD with several tracks on it.
I found some of the Pirate Loop quite by accident when looking for sea shanties on Amazon and playing samples (I like sea shanties) and out from the speakers comes a tune from the loop (shivers up the spine) and great glee when it turned out that 6 of them were from the same CD - oh joy! Again, listening to the DL Forever tunes for the Sailing Ship Columbia (remember, I've never been to the US parks) and there's another 8 tracks ;) Life can be good.


New Member
During my next trip, which will hopefully be next week as mentioned, I will be recording at least two complete show cycles (as many as it takes before I hear the same track again) to see if there are additional songs in the loop. That information, when completed, will be posted on my blog. In the mean time, here is a listing, in order, of the songs present on my recording:

1. Kaimana Hila (in recording, fades in starting at 1:56)
2. Lovely Hula Hands
3. Pearly Shells
4. Mekanani Kaupo (in recording, fades out at 0:50)

All tracks from Steel Guitar Magic, which according to Amazon is by a guy named Jack de Mello. Also available in iTunes under the album and artist information mentioned above.
I want to thank you for finding the album. From the samples I am hearing, it seems to be all there, based on my inductions.

Let me spare you some trouble. There are six tracks in the music loop that play continuously, no matter what is going on. The volume is lowered and raised accordingly. So when the music volume is "raised" back up after the load music, you get to hear where the loop is at. Therefore, it takes several attraction cycles to induct all of the music.

I don't have the right order for you yet but the songs used are:

Kaimana Hila
Lovely Hula Hands
Pearly Shells (Also used for the C&H Sugar jingle)
Mekanani Kaupo
Maui Chimes
Sophisticated Hula

I need to sit and listen to the correct order, which I will provide for you when I get a chance and I will edit at that point.

Useless trivia: A person was able to get an induction of the Frontierland loop bleeding through Tongaroa Ru when the pre-show was shut down for the 50th fireworks show.

Wow, great info CLUB33.

Along these lines I'd like to ask about a track in the 16:38" "Lanai BGM Loop" you mention. In advance I apologize if I have missed this because I bet there is something out there about this track.

The track starts 9:43 into the "Lanai BGM Loop". It is a very lush piece that begins with violins and harps and is 3:21 long. The steel guitar comes in around 21 seconds into the song and the harp weaves in and out throughout. Violins jump back in around one minute into the track. It has been around on various down load sites for years.

Anyway, has anyone been able to track down where this track comes from. I would love to get a high fidelity copy if the album if it is available. Almost sounds like 101 Stings production.

I will definitely pick a copy of the CD you found.

Club 33

Playlist Author
I haven't a clue allthingsmustpass. I have no idea during what era the music contained in this track might have played at the attraction, or indeed if it ever did or is even accurate. For this reason I have not attempted to identify any of the songs in that loop. The uncertain vintage makes things even harder.

A quick attempt with Shazam produced no results (never hurts to try). I might try browsing on iTunes and Amazon and the like (you know about how long the track is- that helps to narrow things down). Who knows, as I've proved, sometimes all it takes is a little effort. Or sometimes a lot. :p
I haven't a clue allthingsmustpass. I have no idea during what era the music contained in this track might have played at the attraction, or indeed if it ever did or is even accurate. For this reason I have not attempted to identify any of the songs in that loop. The uncertain vintage makes things even harder.

A quick attempt with Shazam produced no results (never hurts to try). I might try browsing on iTunes and Amazon and the like (you know about how long the track is- that helps to narrow things down). Who knows, as I've proved, sometimes all it takes is a little effort. Or sometimes a lot. :p

I actually did alot of searching in the meantime and did indentify the track. The original is from Dorothy Lamour in 1937. It is called "The Moon of Manakoora". There are so many instumental versions that are out though; it seems to be very well covered! So far I have found a number of beautiful versions, but not this particular one. itunes did have quite a few. This particular one is the only one I have found that has a harp playing throught the track so I was hoping that would help me pin it down, but not yet. I am familiar with the "101 Strings" series and thought that might be it, but I found that one and unfortunately it was not.

Besides 101 Violins, there were other series like that, "Magic Violins", "1000 Violins", "Lush Strings".... I have not had any luck finding a version of those however. My thought being that I know those types of series had these lush sounds, with lots of violins and harps, so just a strong possibilty.

I have also contacted some sites that specialize in Hawaiin music.


Magic Music

Playlist Author
The Moon of Manakoora was big among Exotica artists. Have you tried Arthur Lyman's version? A number of his songs featured the moon harp. Steel guitar sure doesn't sound right, though.
I haven't a clue allthingsmustpass. I have no idea during what era the music contained in this track might have played at the attraction, or indeed if it ever did or is even accurate. For this reason I have not attempted to identify any of the songs in that loop. The uncertain vintage makes things even harder.

A quick attempt with Shazam produced no results (never hurts to try). I might try browsing on iTunes and Amazon and the like (you know about how long the track is- that helps to narrow things down). Who knows, as I've proved, sometimes all it takes is a little effort. Or sometimes a lot. :wacko:


After quite a bit of searching, I did find the original of this track referred to in Disney music sites as “Lanai Music”. I also am not aware if this was part of the tiki room attraction or just background music in the park or at the Polynesian Resort. I hope someone here can shed some light on that.

I first ran across this track many years ago on a website that, as I recall, just had 15 to 20 songs with links to them. The site included some great background music from tomorrow land, including:

• behind the waterfall
• bubble shuffle
• elsewhere
• fire ritual
• generation prelude
• hidden pathways

Not all of the recordings where great, particularly for the song labeled “Lanai Music”, which was just a version of “The Moon of Manakoora”. In fact, this is where I first heard the term “induction recording”. The site may also have contained a section called “Music of the Toilet”, which I think was referring to the fact that some of the sounds were induction recordings made in unpleasant places to record. I never knew the person involved in the site, but he did seem to be a true Disney music collector. His site has long since shut down, but even after the links no longer worked, it remained up for some time. I remember reading about a Disney audio collector that fell sick and died very young, and that was around this time, but I have no idea if there was any connection between these two events.

Regardless if this song was used at the park in some way (attraction, area or resort area), it is a beautiful regarding and I am glad to have found the original recording.

The whole search reminded me of the days I used to hunt for albums in record stores many years ago.
The Moon of Manakoora was big among Exotica artists. Have you tried Arthur Lyman's version? A number of his songs featured the moon harp. Steel guitar sure doesn't sound right, though.
I want to thank everyone who gave me any guidance on how to find this music. In the end in took a lot of grunt work and then some luck. I first found the original music track of "Lanai Music" (Moon of Manakoora) as a rar file. Once I had that and identified the Source I found the Import of the original recording....


Globetrotting/Hawaii ~ Frank Chacksfield and His Orchestra

It turns out that this album includes two of the songs that are on the loop that circulates as "Lanai Music Loop"
- Moon on Manakoora
- Maori Farewell Song

I have to go back through my emails and find the people that helped me or made suggestions.

It is a beautiful album and it is something to hear these songs in Hi Fidelity after all those years after first running into the induction recording of "Moon of Manakoora / Lanai Music" at Matt Orkin's old web site (which happened to be the first time I stumbled on Disney Park music on the web).



Well what I find so ridiculous is that, clearly, someone had to go through and pick out this music, compile a list and license it. All of these lists exist somewhere. Disney should make them available rather than us having to go through all of this ridiculous work to try and figure it out.
You're exactly right. What's even more ridiculous is that the guy who has edited most of these BGM loops together at WDI over the last 14 years is a friend of mine whom I've known and worked with for 32 years (we even worked together at WDI for three years) and yet I still have a tough time getting any info out of him. He has to be very careful about what information he releases lest the Disney BGM police come knocking on his door. I'm not sure what the big secret is but you're right "Club 33" there's a list of for every BGM loop in every park, world wide. I know this for a fact as some of those lists are in my handwriting.

Interestingly the BGM loops have gone through different phases over the years. I can't speak accurately about any early BGM loops but during my era at WDI (89-95) we were able to freely edit the music however we chose, we could shorten it, lengthen it or edit together a completely new arrangement from various sources. This may account for the difficulty in identifying some of the loops from that era as they contain edited tracks that never really existed in the first place.

I know that today the BGM loops are under very strict rules about editing. Nothing can be altered from it's original arrangement without permission. Every track that's used is documented for licensing purposes and there are highly detailed lists kept on file. Unfortunately no one can see these lists for fear of melting (like at the end of Indiana Jones) so for now identifying and naming BGM loops should be treated as an adventure because there is no official way to get this information.


Playlist Author
I'm not sure what the big secret is but you're right "Club 33" there's a list of for every BGM loop in every park, world wide. I know this for a fact as some of those lists are in my handwriting.
This makes the "adventure" even more frustrating.

On a side note, I went over to Disney's Hollywood Studios twice just to hear a particular EWOK Village loop and it was dead silent both times. Both trips were made after dusk. :(
