The CD HAS the three adventures on it--tracks 3-5, Davy Crockett Indian Fighter, Davy Crockett Goes to Congress, Davy Crockett At the Alamo. I also have the Disney LP, and when I got the CD, I compared the two recordings, and to my untrained ear, what is on the CD sounds to be the same recording session that is on the Disney LP.
By the way, I've got R. Michael Murray's record book next to me; the original Columbia LP cover is pictured in his book, and is basically what you get on the CD booklet cover, with minor changes to mention the additional recordings on the CD. Disney apparently leased the master recordings to Columbia in 1954, and when the lease expired in 1958, Disney began releasing their own recordings. Curious--if that's the case, how did the recordings get out again on a non-Disney label?