The Many Adventurers of Winnie the Pooh


New WDW Frontierland Area Music

I was walking through Frontierland today and noticed the area over by Thunder Mountain was playing different music. Still country western type saloon music, but I remember that this area used to play the normal Frontierland loop. It's alot louder in the Thunder Mountain area now. You can hear it coming from the top of the Fastpass roof really well.

I don't know if this will stick or what. Not sure if you guys are aware of the whole Pooh BGM loop. It was changing every day, but it seems they finally have settled on one loop in that area now.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

Are you talking about WDW or DL? Assuming you mean WDW, when you say the Pooh Area Music do you mean the Pooh Playground or the Queue Area for the Pooh Attraction?


Playlist Author
Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

I heard it in the actual queue yesterday as I walked by. The sound was loud as well.


Playlist Author
Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

The new Winnie the Pooh exterior BGM is a whopping 5:25.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

So this is different from what plays in the queue right?


Playlist Author
Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

I am told the queue music is different, and perhaps the same as DL's version, but the last two times I went to take a listen I could barely hear the music. I know the music in the gift shop as you exit the ride is the same as the exterior BGM. I plan on going back when it's not so busy and see if I can hear the queue BGM to confirm.


Playlist Author
Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

Update - I don't think any music plays in the queue area itself. The only speakers I saw were right as you walked up the ramp to go to the boarding area and those speakers were playing safety announcements, performed by Tigger.

So I think the only BGM that plays is the 5m one I reference above. This music plays from speakers located on the top of the attraction building, as well as speakers located in the playground.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Re: Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh BGM

So now that I've listened to this 5+min loop, it seems that this is just a short edit of the larger loop which plays at DL, and that I was told played at WDW too. Do we have any certainty where this 5minute loop plays?

I have noticed at Disneyland that they may play a short loop too. While you are in the queue you hear the full loop. However as your vehicle exits the showbuilding there's a bit of music playing. I've noticed that while it sounds like the queue music in style, you can kind of hear the queue from there too and the two don't match up. I've never sat and listened to this 2nd loop but I just assumed it was one song that kept looping over and over- the "pooh" theme or something. Kind of an Attraction cue, that just happens to play outside the Building. Unload music as it were.


Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

Side note, for whatever reason 2 nights ago they were blasting the pooh queue music louder than I'd ever heard before and it was a lot prettier heh. I don't ever hear the speakers on the bridge turned on really.


Playlist Author
Re: New WDW Frontierland Area Music

The 5m recording I sent you plays in the Pooh Playground, which is where it was recorded, as well as playing through the speakers that are on top of the attraction building itself and in the gift shop as you exit. I have not heard any other music.

The "loudness" of the loop has been that way for at least a couple of months. It's nice to actually hear it, although I wish it was longer.


Playlist Author
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

As some of you may have read in another post, I risked having a heat stroke to record the updated exterior BGM for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The last version was a whopping 5:25 long. This version has the same 5:25 track and runs, in total, 39:13. I haven't done a full comparison yet, but it appears different from every other Pooh BGM I have in the files.

Does anyone have historical information about the music that has played in this area?


Re: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

Um, yeah. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea used to play there.  :D


Playlist Author
Re: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

That's not really the type of information I was hoping to get.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Re: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

So to clarify, this plays, where? Outside the attraction, in the queue, gift shop, or play area? Any or all?


Playlist Author
Re: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

There are speakers on top of the building, so it plays outside of the attraction. There is no music in the queue (only safety announcements), but you can hear the music since it's open to the outside. It also plays across in the playground.
Re: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

Horizons, that playground music track u are referring too, i have a file thats 10:00 of that music i believe, not sure if its reconstructed or source,check your PM for more details.


Playlist Author
Re: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

To my knowledge, there has never been a track of that length in the playground (which as I said above, is the same as the exterior music to the attraction). The previous version was about 5 1/2 minutes. The one before that, I am told, was around 22 minutes.


Playlist Author
Re: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - Exterior BGM

Sorry to screw things up even more, but I have the same file that's 10 and a half minutes long that was originally titled "fantasyland_pooh_bgm". It doesn't sound like the DLR Critter Country one, but could it possibly be the TDL one?
