The Disneyland Concert Band

The Trout

Quick question for the experts - I'm a vinyl nerd and I've currently been cruising for Disneyland (the park) records. Here's my question - I've seen some records listed as being performed by the Disneyland Concert Band with a glee club. Is this the same band from the park, or is it an in-house band for the Disneyland label?

The Trout

Being more specific probably would've helped. I was kicking around eBay and saw a few records, mostly of patriotic American standards, that were by the Disneyland Concert Band, accompanied by a Glee Club of some sort. So I was mostly just curious to know if it was the same as the Disneyland Band from the park. If its not, I guess I can save my cash and just keep looking for ones I KNOW are the Disneyland Band, like "Strike Up The Disneyland Band," which seems almost mythical in its rarity.


It might not be the real Disneyland band by it's Disney made and the band is top notch, and a Glee

Club that has Thurl Ravenscroft in it can't be that bad!

Greg will tell us if I am wrong!
