TDL: Starlight Dreams


I also posted this at Rodentsections and someone suggested it might be Blazing Rhythms. Anyone else think so too? ;D

Thanks guys!



I never got too into blazing rhythms to be able to recognize it. I remember when I watched the clip I almost thought they were doing Pirates music or at least from their old water stage show but then decided it wasn't so didn't say anything. It could very well be blazing or something new.


Active Member
Yes, that is from Blazing Rhythms. It's a slightly different arrangement, but it is from that show.


I had no clue! I just really liked it, I was kinda hoping it would have been some random composer or a classical score. However I actually have blazing rhythms, I guess I just don't know the tune well enough.

Oh well, thanks guys!



Active Member
I had no clue! I just really liked it, I was kinda hoping it would have been some random composer or a classical score. However I actually have blazing rhythms, I guess I just don't know the tune well enough.

Oh well, thanks guys!


Well, it's just a clip from the show, and it's not even the main theme song or anything. It's the beginning of the show mode, so it's not like it would instantly pop into your head when you hear it. Although now that you bring up composer, I have to look at the liner notes for Blazing Rhythms to see who did compose the music for that show...I'm curious now.


I had a moment like that earlier today Ben, I was listening to the live Disney on Classic 2005 Little Mermaid and I was wondering who performed Ariel. I was going to post a question here, but grabbed the liner notes and got my question answered. ::) I would have never lived that down!

Caitlin ;D


hate to say it but Blazing Rhythms is one of the few shows I just never liked and can't get myself to enjoy watching or listening through one bit.



You shouldn't hate to say it. It isn't one of my favorites either. It is all personal. There is about half of the stuff from all the parks I don't really care for, and then there is the other half I simply love and can't listen to enough! There has just been so many CDs I've purchased and then listen to and didn't like. I was previewing Starlight Dreams to see if I wanted to get it. I probably will, I like the medley. However, I probably won't get Bon Fire Dance, it just didn't do it for me. Between joe's site and Rodentsections I can get a good preview of most of the shows from TDL. Now if I can get land that extremely high paying job so I can visit the park several times a year. ::)



Active Member
I'm going to say that if you don't like Blazing Rhythms, you probably won't like Bon Fire Dance either. They are similar in tone, and sound. The only difference is that Bon Fire is Japanese flavored, while Blazing Rhythms is Latin flavored. Mmmm....flavors...I'm hungry!


it's not that i don't like the other latin themed stuff or firedancing stuff they do it was just boring to me heh. roh well :)
