TDL Music That Should Be Released


Okay, Tokyo Disneyland?s music is kicking America?s Disney parks? you know whats! I can?t get over home much better their show and parade music is!!!

I REALLY wish they would release more recent countdown parades. Has anyone heard ?Light Up the Sky? from the 2005 countdown parade? I get MAJOR chills every time I hear the live recording. As I mentioned before, ?Join the Party? from the 2004 parade is AMAZING! If you have been keeping up with my latest posts, you know how much I LOVE ?Celebrate With Us? (The version from 2002-present) The newer recording sounds absolutely incredible--awesome harmonies, great track and overall spectacular number.

These three songs I think REALLY need to end up on a TDL album.

1. Join the Party (Countdown Parade 2004)
2. Light Up the Sky (Countdown Parade 2005)
3. Celebrate With Us (2002-present)

OH, what I?d do for a recording of these songs!!!!

I rank these three songs right up there with ?Remember the Magic?. It?s so sad that so many great Disney theme park songs will never be released. Let?s hope that we may one day we may see all our favorite theme park songs for sale--someday--somewhere--somehow!

Thanks for listening and have a great day,


Please forgive me. I NEVER meant to offend anyone or sound selfish in any way.

My sincere apologies,


To all board members (especially the three who sent the e-mails)-

I did not mean to put my selfish wants before the real problems in this world, I am very sorry for even accidentally implying it. I NEVER meant for it to sound that way. I am not a bad person and I do not enjoy being made to look like one by those who twist words to start a controversy.

Friends, please accept this as my formal apology.

Your loyal poster,

X-S Tech

Active Member
Wow. Did 3 people really email you? I can't even find the word pray in your post, though perhaps it's been modified. I hope everyone knows a bit of hyperbole when they read it. And I hope that everyone who posted a response was just playing with wishesfan, as it seems to me. We do like to kid each other don't we?


Hey! Yeah, I REALLY got three e-mails. I haven't heard back from them since I replied but I think they really crossed the line (I'm thinking they all may have come from the same person through different e-mail accounts--you know who you are). I hope they were just kidding like XS-Tech said, but I clearly must not know the definition of kidding--I thought kidding was supposed to make BOTH people laugh.

Anyway, let's just put this behind us and continue on with more Disney music posts.

Have a great day,

PS: So back to my actual topic: anyone a fan of the three songs mentioned?


Active Member
Well, there is nothing wrong with wanting tracks. All of us have something that we like and collect, Bill is no exception to that. There is absolutely NO reason that people can't focus on both "world needs" and their own. Just because somebody is wanting tracks from Tokyo Disneyland or wherever doesn't mean they are selfish or not thinking about more serious things.

If that were the case then none of us should be here, we should all be focused on world peac, hunger, terrorism, abuse, violence, and hatred. Shame on everyone here for wanting to have some escape from all of that for a few moments. We should all just abandon all things that bring enjoyment in life and become angry, bitter people focused on all the ills of the world!

NO THANK YOU! I will NOT feel bad about wanting to listen to Disney music or visit the parks or collect things. I don't live in a bubble, and although I may not be as crazy about collecting as some, we are all here for a reason.

Rick, don't let the negativity get to you. Don't appologize either. You're fine.
Hey! Yeah, I REALLY got three e-mails.
I pray that those knuckleheads get a clue.

Personally, I couldn't care less if any audio from Tokyo Disneyland was ever issued, but lots of people here seem to get a kick out of that stuff... so, good for you.

Pray: verb [ intrans. ] ? wish or hope strongly for a particular outcome or situation



Active Member
I'd also like to remind people that Disneyland and WDW, of course both money-making ventures, were also built as a way for people to walk away from the tragedies of the world, at least for a little while. That's why there's the berm around the parks.

Rick's quest for TDL CDs is nothing more or less than someone else searching Usenet for that one elusive piece of BGM or watching eBay for a King David CD. Anyone who would deny him whatever pleasure he gets out of that, because he's not thinking of "poor, unfortunate souls" at that particular moment should be ashamed of themselves...and if they're so concerned about such people, why are they wasting their time sending him nasty emails, when they could be away from their keyboards, volunteering for the Red Cross?

Orlando FL


Hi, all!

Thanks so much for all your comments. You all are awesome!

A great day is wished to all who post here,
