All I know of the new WDW so far is that the bubbles are removed and those who have been practicing for it have said there are a lot of little lip sync sections in the soundtrack for things like wish upon a star and such.
As for the music being from tokyo... k here's the thing. By now I've mentioned this in a LOT of forums trying to find out about it, so it's possible I started a rumor about tokyo music in the new parade..
There's a video from october 5th, 2005. In it, when the aladdin float gets to the end of its loop, instead of playing what it usually plays, it goes into a rendition of the Dreams on Parade showstop from tokyo(DOP, not Moving On) with the words changed to fit Share a Dream Come True, and then the SDCT audio picks up right where it should be afterwards. I've been able to get very few responses on what that was about and it's hard to know for sure if any of them are believable. A couple of the performers in the parade said they remembered it when I asked them but they didn't seem confident/seemed to just be nodding along with me.
The only real possibilities suggested to me are that they were testing new music that day(i don't see why they'd need to test music during a live parade like that), or as someone who claims to be a float driver on wdwmagic but i'm not sure if i believe said it's part of their backup music if there's audio problems and the float has to play music on its own.
Now if arielunderdasea has extra information about them actually using Moving On in the parade, then that would be interesting. The stuff I mentioned above is music taken from the original Dreams on Parade however.