Space Mountain - Wedway Tunnel Audio


Playlist Author
I asked this question in another post, but thought I would get a greater response is a new topic.

Does anyone know if the Wedway Tunnel music from Space Mountain is available. I regularly check mIRC and newsgroups, but never have come across this file.

I also recently found a 21 minute loop which is mainly sythesized music, but am not sure if this comes from Disneyland or WDW. I believe the file said it was from the 1970's. Does anyone know the history of this file?



New Member
Are you talking about "Promising Tomorrows?" I have a copy of it if you'd like me to send it to you. I'm not sure how old it is, but I know it is definitely played in the tunnel, as I have heard it personally in the tunnel.


Playlist Author
No, I have Promising Tomorrows. Wedway Tunnel may not be the exact title. If you recall, there are two songs played in the queue, the second one, which is what I am looking for, starts at the point where the space posters are located, and ends at the turnstile.
I know what you're talking about. I have been wondering about that one too. At first, I thought you meant a piece called "Star Tunnel." It was available on WDWForever. You mean the part of the queue that I call the "zig-zag."

That has never been available by itself, but I know I heard it in a commercial they made for Space Mountain, which was available to listen to on someone's site somewhere.

The frustrating thing about that recording is that it is mostly made up of sound effects, so you can't really even hum it to someone. It's more like a drone. But it was the one track I wanted from Space Mountain off WDWForever, so I bought them all, figuring one would be it. Alas, it wasn't. Good luck.

*Maybe it will be on Musical History Of Disneyland Vol. 2


If its the music you hear on the peoplemover in wdw inside space mountain i noticed at the end of the buxx light year track on th disneyland 50th 1cd yo ucan buy at your local retail store thers like 15-20 sec at the end of the buzz lightyear track that is the music heard while in space mountain in wdw. Don't know if thats what your looking for but when i heard it i knew it cause i ride the peoplemover alot when in wdw go back and forth from th epeoplemover to the carousel of progress best rides in all of tomorrowlnad...hehehe


Playlist Author
No, it's not the audio that you hear on the TTA as it passes through space mountain. This music is played only in the queue, about half-way through.


New Member
I think I know which music your talking about. I saw it with a title once of Space Mountain Room2. Its that music where you kind of here what sound likes shooting stars but with sounds effects along with it. It was at but that site seems to no longer exist. The recoding was not that good of quality, too many people talking in the background. I guess we will have to hope that someday they put the Spacemountain music on one of the Walt Disney Word Park C.D's.
