Sorcery in the Sky?


Does anyone know if WDW's Sorcery in the Sky is on CD anywhere? I loved that music. Or, does anyone know where I can get it on mp3? I think it's on Audiogalaxy but I haven't been able to log on because of school firewalls. :(



New Member
School firewalls...YUCKO. I share your pain. The one thing my school hasn't blocked (outside of web and email) is Usenet Newsgroups. You can still probably access those. Check out alt.binaries.multimedia.disney . Put in a request for Sorcery In The Sky. I know a bunch of folks in there have several different versions.

Check it out!



I can't get on to binaries newsgroups. :( Since I'm on the school's server, I don't have an ISP with newsgroup access. And I can't afford to get a paid newsgroup account. :( Are there any free ones out there that archive binaries newsgroups at least for a short period of time?

