I don't think you knew your post was going to open up some controversy, hey?
Relax, folks!
Mr Bob Thomas' write up -- we all know the connection between Thomas and the World of Disney, don't we? -- was a piece of PR to be taken for what it is!
That sequel to that successful fluffy comedy is just FOR FUN!
Nothing to be taken seriously!
And, no, it is NOT a musical and, no, Julie is not a singer again!
It's just her character who sings a ditty... a ditty, not an aria or whatever!...
Well, I know, she's famous and full of dough but pass?, old and sounds like a frog, so why doesn't she retire and leave us alone?
I think we should loosen up and smell the roses and have a life!
My "Sing out, Julie" was NOT to be taken literally.... au pied de la lettre, as we say in French! -- sorry, I'm French!
I'm na?ve but I do know that Julie is not reading these notes nor listening to me!
It was in reference to the "Sing out, Louise!" from Gypsy.
Get it?
And, yes, we know that Julie can be some broad with a big mouth and some bawdy humor....etc, etc, etc... -- she even showed her boobs, way before Janet who bared only one!, in S.O.B.....
but the subject was simply.... Julie sings a little again in some light comedy from Disney...
Who thought that would generate such bitter comments?...
But, hey, we're all entitled to have an opinion, and if we disagree, that's what makes horseracing!
No need to get personal or nasty though...
Boy, this "joint" is jumping, oh, yes!