
Dr. Know

Something that you will all appreciate, no doubt....

I attended a cocktail reception earlier this evening, and got into a conversation with a prominent academic. She told me how she had just taken her son to "Euro-Disney," and it was the most "nightmarish" day of her life. She complained to me that it was a "total assault on the senses -- there is even music being piped out of the blades of grass" (!)

So I left the reception, got into my car, and happily listened to one of my home-made compilation cds of park background music all the way home.

Jim :)


How sad for her to have such an awful experience in such a hell-ish place. I hope she never has to return...I wouldn't want her there when I might be visiting ;D
A-h-h-h-h......confronted by some learned words from a "prominent academic" of our treasured literati. Here are some interesting thoughts from an "associate"(used loosely.....very loosely) of hers..... Mr. Ray Bradbury:

Dear Sirs:
I think it goes without saying that I am as critical as you people are of many facets of American life. Lord knows I've raised my voice often enough. But when someone like Julian Halevy equates Disneyland and Las Vegas(The Nation, June 7), I begin to doubt his or my sanity.
Not that I haven't met his type before. The world is full of people who, for intellectual reasons, steadfastly refuse to let go and enjoy themselves. Mr. Halevy damns himself immediately when he states he is glad he didn't take a child with him to Disneyland. I did better than take a child; my first visit, I accompanied one of the great theatrical and creative minds of our time, Charles Laughton. I've never had such a day full of zest and good humor. Mr. Laughton is no easy mark; he has a gimlet eye and a searching mind. Yet he saw, and I found in Disneyland, vast reserves of imagination before untapped in our country.
I admit I approached Disneyland with many intellectual reservations, myself, but these have been banished in my seven visits. Disney makes mistakes; what artist doesn't? But when he flies, he really flies. I shall be indebted to him for a lifetime for his ability to let me fly over mignight London looking down on that fabulous city, in his Peter Pan ride. The Jungle Boat ride, too, is an experience of true delight and wonder. I could go on, but why bother?
I have a sneaking suspicion, after all is said and done, that Mr. Halevy truly loved Disneyland but is not man enough, or child enough, to admit it. I feel sorry for him. He will never travel in space, he will never touch the stars.

Ray Bradbury
(From "Letters to the Editor," NATION, June 28, 1958)

--Mr. Bradbury's letter exerpted from the book, "Imagineering"

This letter always comes to mind when I'm confronted with dubious comments from the enlightened intelligentsia. We all probably need to keep a copy of this letter tucked away in a pocket for quick reference in a tight spot.

