Sheet Music for Just one Dream, Promise, Lilo etc.

Alex K

Just a note for those interested in Disney sheet music. I remember on the old board someone had mentioned that the sheet music for "Promise" (Epcot) was available, and a few weeks after that I had asked the local music store to try to find it. They never did, and I just forgot about it.

Today, I ran into which offers this sheet music for sale as an online download. Also available is Just One Dream, He Mele No Lilo, and Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, among a spotty Disney assortment. You need a special browser plugin to view/print the stuff you buy, but they do allow you to print the 1st page of everything as a sample. Prices are steep -- $4 each, but that's what you'd pay at a music store anyway if you were serious about purchasing a copy of the song.
