Rivers of America Waterfront Loop


On the series entitled "50 Years, A Musical Retrospective" The Rivers of America Loop track number 4 is titled as "unknown" Does anyone out there know the name of this song? I know I have heard it before, but I also cannot figure out the name, and it has been irking me for years. (maybe I just remember hearing it at the park, and think I have heard it elsewhere but actually have not) The other day i went on I Tunes and tried to see if I could find it, There are just TOO MANY standard Dixieland songs that it is too hard to find a song title that way, if not impossible. I was just hoping to be lucky. Any Jazz fans out there have an idea???


Mystery solved everybody. The name of the song is "Grandpa's Spells" Someone on another site told me. Checked ITunes, and it is the right song.
