Remember...Dreams Come True

Hi guys!

Just wondered what Disney melodies are used for the 50th Anniversary fireworks? I heard it was a parks medley.

Hope someone can help me out.

Thanks for your help and have a great day!


Rich T

Thanks for posting that link! I just watched the video and I gotta get to Anaheim to see this live. I was enjoying the video, thinking "This is great," and then the Haunted Mansion/Pirates of the Carribean tribute started and my jaw dropped open and stayed there for the rest of the show. I was wondering if it'd be worth the trouble spending hours at Disneyland staking out a plaza spot for this show, but's just gotta be done :).

As for the music...brilliant. Pefect. Imaginative. Representing Frontierland and the Riverboat with Shenandoah was classy...that song always gets to me.

As has been pointed out earlier, this track makes an awesome finale for the boxed set CDs. I can't wait to get mine!

Anyone heading for Disneyland soon should avoid this video and just see it live first and prepare to be amazed. Myself, I couldn't wait that long! ;D
