In actuality, they have very few "E-Ticket" attractions, in the sense of what we would usually call E-Ticket rides. "Journey To The Center of The Earth" is one, as is "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull."
HOWEVER (and that's a HUGE "however")...
Their attention to detail is just amazing. The park is just SO visually appealing (and so CLEAN!) that I spent the better part of our 1st day there with my mouth wide open, saying, "Incredible. Just incredible. Amazing what yu can do if you're willing to spend the money". And add that to the fact that they have SO many attractions there that are NOWHERE else, and the things that would nomally be considered one letter get "bumped up" a letter, IMHO.
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is based on the now-defunct stateside attractions, which would normally put it at a borderline D...but it's souped up, with lasers and latest-generation audioanimatronics and lighting and queue detail and the list goes on and on, so it is most definitely an E ticket, IMHO. Or if not an E, then a "D and 3/4" .
The whole indoor Little Mermaid Lagoon is basically a kiddie park...but is done so well that it easily goes from a C to a D.
Aquatopia. They took a "Mr.'s Toad's Wide Ride" (riding around, having no control over steering and almost banging into things), put it outside and turned it into a water-based attraction that uses GSP, for crying out loud! From a state-of-the-art technology POV, it's amazing!
They are also getting two (count 'em, TWO) bona fide E Ticket rides this summer....a Indy-themed looping roller coaster and a Tower of Terror attraction (with a new story and a new theme).
For some really cool TDLR videos, I recommend the following sites:
http://www.jtcent.com/main.html (towards the bottom)
http://www.themeparkreview.com/videos/video.htm (besides the TDL clips, don't forget to watch the Nara Dreamland one too....Nara Dreamland is a horrible Disneyland knockoff that was built in the early 1960's. The video is hysterical!)
Orlando FL