Playlist: Animal Kingdom Entrance Area Music - Holiday Version

Magic Music

Playlist Author
A "sneak peek" work-in-progress for Premium Members...

This loop is composed primarily of tracks from José Luis Madueño's [i]Afroandina Christmas[/i]. For some unknown reason, Walt Disney Entertainment felt it was necessary to include a couple of tracks from a steel drum album. Carnival Christmas Cruise, anyone? Shazam was no help on any of the, zip, nadda! :cd:

Disney's Animal Kingdom
Entrance Area Music - Holiday Version
(Observed on Nov 20, 2009)
01. El Burrito Sabanero / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
02. Winter Wonderland [Steel Drums] / Unknown ~3:53 [sup][2][/sup]
03. El Niño de María (Mary's Boy Child) / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
04. Felíz Navidad / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
05. Greensleeves / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
06. Los Tres Reyes Magos (We Three Kings ) / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
07. Jingle Bells / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
08. Noche de Paz (Silent Night) / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
09. El Tamborilero (The Little Drummer Boy) / José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva [sup][1][/sup]
10. Felíz Navidad [Steel Drums] / Unknown ~2:31 [sup][2][/sup]

Total Playing Time: approx. 34:38

Shazam Score: 0

Click on album titles or covers for links to Amazon:

1. :( Afroandina Christmas José Luis Madueño & Ricardo Silva
2. :wacko: ???

10. Felíz Navidad [Steal Drums] / Unknown ~2:33 [sup][2][/sup]
Could #10 be from one of these? (search for "Felíz Navidad drum" at iTunes)

Magic Music

Playlist Author
Could #10 be from one of these? (search for "Felíz Navidad drum" at iTunes)
Nope, I already tried those. :)

I have added the approximate playing times for the two steel drum tracks in order to help narrow the possibilities.

I also noticed that the only real silence in the induction recording I have comes after the steel drum version of Felíz Navidad, so I have changed the playlist to begin with El Burrito Sabanero. I should have caught that earlier.


Playlist Author
Sorry to pull up an old thread ...

Jay: Have you tried Steel Drum Christmas by Bill Bass's group?

Steel Drum Christmas

Magic Music

Playlist Author
Have you tried Steel Drum Christmas by Bill Bass's group?
Nope. The album doesn't appear to have ever been in wide release. My guess is that Bill Bass, himself, created the product listing on Amazon.

I have found a couple of steel drum albums that, like this one, feature Winter Wonderland and Feliz Navidad, but the track lengths aren't even close to being a match.
