Pirates of the Caribbean - Updated Enhancements


Playlist Author
* * Work in Progress * *

This is a work in process detailing some of the enhancements to Pirates of the Caribbean that were added in 2006. Information regarding the exterior music can be found here.

Davey Jones Dialog

If you be brave or fool enough to face a pirate's curse, proceed.

[Laughter] Aye, tales there be a plenty in this cursed place.

Aye, but they do tell tales, so says I, Davey Jones.

Jack Sparrow Dialog (Exit Scene)

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me. A toast to piracy and it's many shiny rewards. As a career, what could be more rewarding? Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

I humbly accept this magnificent treasure as my reward for a life of villainy, larceny, skullduggery and [?]. Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me. I raise a toast to honor my many shipmates lost at sea. Salute, mez a me. Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Rascals and scoundrels, villains and knaves, drink up me hearties, yo ho.

We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs, drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Drink up lads, there's treasure enough for all.

I shall take this paltry sum as a stipend to cover my expenses, and a chest of jewels. Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

[More dialog to add - information suggests WDW uses more dialog than DL]

Exit Lift - Davey Jones Dialog

[To follow]
