peter pan 2 cd


New Member

Hi there. I'm very happy to have found this site. I can't go a day without playing a Disney cd. I have 99 days to go until my umpteenth trip to WDW. My autistic son and I just saw Return to Neverland. This is the first movie he would tolerate sitting through. I wrote to the President of Disney Animation and they just called me yesterday. Great folks!!

Anyway, I bought that cd and am hooked on that woman Jonatha somethings "I'll Try". The instrumental is wonderful too. I think my son loves it more than the first Peter Pan cd. While it doesn't have as many catchy songs, the LOST BOYS song is great too. Just thought I'd mention it because the writeup isn't as positive.



New Member
Hi, I love the soundtrack too and thought that it and the movie were much better than all the reviews. Glad you're enjoying the cd! Any Disney fan would love it, especially the opening track to the film which combines lots of themes from the original film.

