Park Music


New Member
I guess I'm fairly new to the Disneyland music collecting scene. Other than the "official" park CD's you find in stores, the anniversary CD's for POC and HM, what else is available? I did find a company that would take orders on-line for the Disneyland Forever CD's....but wouldn't you know it, as soon as I placed an order for just about every available song, Disneyland closed the CD stations and may not open them up again! Is E-Bay the only other way? Help!


New Member
Trevor, as Bill stated in your other subject, eBay is about the best resource for finding the "Forever" CDs at this point. There is a lot of Park music available on the "official" albums from both DL and WDW, but if you are looking for the "rare or discontinued" attractions sounds, "Forever" was the best source. Also by posting to this board you may find someone with extra copies they may be willing to part with.

Best of luck in your search.

If the "Forever" system was ever operational again, I'm sure you'd find it posted to this board the same day.


I've been able to find just about any song that I was missing via the newsboard at alt.binaries.multimedia.disney. It's been extremely helpful for the "Forever" selections. I' use a freeware called Forte Agent, which you can download through to access the newsboards. It takes a little getting use to, but can well worth the time once you get the hang of it. The main information you need to be able to use the newsboards (once you download the software) is the address of your news server (an example is and your email server (an example is If you don't know this information, you can contact your internet provider.

Hope this helps,


Sorry to take so long to respond, I've been out of town. Anyways, I'm still new to the newsboards but I'll try to explain what might be happening with the files. Several things could cause one or more files to be missing. The first may be that the files were still being uploaded to the newsboard by the person posting the item when you began to download them. This would result in one or more missed files. The second reason could be the file was uploaded by a person incorrectly. I use Forte Agent and it shows a small icon to the left of the post if it is incomplete. The third reason may be files were not uploaded at the same time and the missing piece could be on the newsboard, but separated from the rest. In this case you can usually make the post, itself, organize by name and locate it or sometimes you'll have to hunt through all the listings. The fourth reason may be the software that you're using to access the newsboards. I originally used Outlook Express, but there are several extra steps that are needed to download and decode the files correctly. That's why I changed to Forte Agent and its download process was much easier. Of course, each software takes some getting use to.

Hope this helps.

The biggest reason a file can be missing parts on a newsgroup is based on who provides your news server. I gave up on prodigy long ago and started paying giganews $11 a month for access to their servers. I have been nearly 100% happy with giganews. Many isps provide crappy access to binary files and some do not support them at all.

