OT - I need ya'lls expert input...


Hi everyone, Im new to the board. I recently found out how much of a Disney music fan I am when I compiled my Disney music all together for the first time and was alittle surprised to find out I had over 11 hours of park music alone! I was a fan and didnt know it!

Anyway, I am a drama teacher in Florida. I am wanting to write a one-act play for my kids based upon the following scenario:
Someone/Some people are on a ride at one of the parks and gets stuck on a ride. Maybe we see them in the queue as well. Any ideas for possible rides, and/or things you have either seen or heard (or possibly were a part of) that could be used for a short play?

Thanks in advance!


Whatever you do, make sure you change the name of the park and/or ride. They can be similar, but remove any overt references or you do run the risk of pissing off Disney's legal department.


Thanks for the advice. I hadn't planned on making any direct attacks on Disney or the parks... more of a funny short story. I had already planned on making all references similar but different. I appriciate the heads up none the less.

So, how about those stories????????


I think the legal issue mention is being exageratted slightly. You can use the names of actual Disney rides and the parks if you so shall choose. If you've ever noticed, a lot of non-Disney owned TV shows constantly reference Disney World, or parody it (like they did on the Simpsons, South Park..etc). Just make sure that you don't use copyrighted characters as props in your play, and you'll be fine.
