On the Record&quot &amp other borderline Disney offering


I'm never quite sure what the proper thing to do is when something like &quotOn the Record&quot, and other offerings, gets put out.If I buy non-quality stuff, am I giving Disney the impression that making crap is okay and therefore they should continue?If I dont buy the stuff, am I telling Disney to not bother making any future products, and therefore cutting off the hand that feeds me?If I complain... does it matter?Just wondering what you all think.Tim C
Re:On the Record" & other borderline Disney offering

I am not sure if any of your choices fit my answer. If I do not like something I do not buy it. I am not a millionaire and even if I was I wouldnt just buy everything because it had Disney on the label.

I am not going to boycott Disney because they put out a CD that I do not like. I just wont buy that one and I'll see what comes out next.

Lucky for us we have Randy often reading this forum and hopefully if he sees us all complaining about something he will bring it up to those who matter.

I usually do not bother complaining to giant companies because I think it is a waste of time.


Re:On the Record" & other borderline Disney offering

By boycotting I meant not buying it. Maybe boycott was too strong a word.

Tim C


New Member
Re:On the Record" & other borderline Disney offering

I can't believe this is even a question. Look, if there is something that does not interest you, do not buy it. Disney is a corporation, not a charity that needs constant donations, they get their money trust me. The fifteen dollars that you do not give them for a Radio Disney Jams cd or a Disney Mania 3 cd will not break them. Hopefully, it will see that those products are not successful and they will move to other things that will make the fans happy, like more theme park music. Buy what you like and keep the things you don't like on the shelves, and everyone will be happy.
