New Haunted Mansion CD?


New Member
I saw on Ebay today a Haunted Mansion 40th Anniversary CD. I am not sure if it was fan made or official. Does anyone know if they are releasing a new CD for HM's 40th Anniversary like they did for the 30th's?


Playlist Author
I saw on Ebay today a Haunted Mansion 40th Anniversary CD. I am not sure if it was fan made or official. Does anyone know if they are releasing a new CD for HM's 40th Anniversary like they did for the 30th's?
Have you tried calling the merchandise line at DL? The description on ebay sounds interesting and I haven't seen a fan mix with the new elements, so I'm not sure what is being offered for sale.


Active Member
I say it's fan-made. The cover art looks way too ameteur to me. This person is also selling a "Phantom Manor 15th Anniversary" CD, and statitng it as if it's an official release. The 15th has come and gone, and we know that there was never a real Phantom Manor CD. So, I doubt that either are real. I do wonder where they got the new Haunted Mansion stuff though...

X-S Tech

Active Member
Yep definately fan made. I'd be interested to hear if the Bride and any new stuff is as clear as the description leads you to believe. It's worded a bit tricky and may be that parts of the CD are crystal clear and others are less so.


Active Member
Yeah, I looked at the Phantom Manor disc again, and the cover art he used was taken from the "Sounds of Magic" website, he just added text. The quality of this stuff is totally subjective too, and I also wouldn't be surprised if there are live tracks mixed in there or something.


That set's fake so don't let any of this change that..

But I'm still curious about Randy's little cough attack he had at his presentation a couple weeks ago when talking about mixing haunted mansion tracks and how he might do it differently if he was "oh i dunno making something for a 40th anniversary edition of something or another" :lol:
