New CD's are here at Wonderland Music Store

X-S Tech

Active Member
They were uploading them this morning and the system should be ready on Saturday. The few titles I saw were:

Babes in Toyland
Ludwig Von Drake
Summer Magic
Date Night at Disneyland
Peter and the Wolf/Sorcerers Apprentice
Tubby the Tuba/(and something else)
there were several others but I couldn't remember them all. Supposedly there are only a few things being removed, Round Up and Mouse House (I believe). Thanks again Randy!


Rich T.

New Member
Thanks for the info! *Finally* I can get one of my all time favorite Disney songs ("The Forest of No Return") on CD! Yes!


Well, well, well!

That's T E R R I F I C !

There are titles that i don't even have on "old" Lp's!
-As if you cared to know, right? --


David S.

Thank you so much for this happy news!!!!!

Babes In Toyland and Summer Magic have been at the top of my classic live action musical soundtrack wishlish for a LONG, LONG, time! And Peter and the Wolf and Ludwig are on the way too!!!

Thank you SO much, Randy!!!!



Active Member
Hmm...these do sound like nice choices! I will have to pick up a few when I get to the park!

Thanks to EVERYONE involved in the Wonderland Music Store project for all the great work you've done!

X-S Tech

Active Member
Well looks like I jumped the gun a bit on this one. The new albums (at least some) were on the system but they weren't available today. The CM in the store said they could see them in the system but the kiosks didn't have them, and the printer and burner were not ready. Sorry. Hope no one made an unnecessary trip to Disneyland (as if there's such a thing).

X-S Tech

Active Member
Well it seems the problem with the new albums is that the artwork that was given to the park is printing just a tad too small, and the liners don't line up to the preprinted folds. Supposedly it's not something that can be fixed at the park, rather Walt Disney Records needs to install new artwork files. The CM who told me wasn't all that confident that it would happen soon. He was under the impression that Walt Disney Records interest in this project is less than enthusiastic. Kinda wierd.

There is also an Alice in Wonderland album with music by Camaratta. Is this the much talked about Darlene Gillespie album?

As for Ludwig Von Drake, I don't know the exact track list but here are the things I saw on it:

I am Professor Ludwig Von Drake
The Spectrum Song
It gets You
Ludwig explains the Recording process (approx. title)
Green with Envy Blues.

I think there was one or two more tracks.
.....Smells Like Eisner Spirit

Not sure if it's kinda weird or not......if it's not a blockbuster Disney project, why not cut a few corners and maybe compromise a little quality--smells like Eisner all the way.

Anyone know if "Meet Me Down On Main Street" by the Mellomen is on the list; Randy had mentioned that it was slated to be one of the chosen.


X-S Tech

Active Member
That does sound familiar. I got to see about 15-20 titles I just couldn't absorb them all at once. Sorry.
Though there appears to be a small issue concerning the art files, below you will find the list of 12 albums that should be up and running very soon.

Alice In Wonderland WDL 4015
Babes In Toyland Soundtrack STER 4022
Date Nite at Disneyland WDL 3035
Deep In the Heart of Dixieland WDL 3009
Fess Parker: Cowboy and Indian Songs DQ 1336
Louis Prima: Let?s Hear It for Robin Hood STER 3339
Ludwig Von Drake DQ 1222
Peter and the Wolf / The Sorcerer?s Apprentice DQ 1242
Secrets of Life Soundtrack WDL 4006
Summer Magic Soundtrack STER 4025
Tinpanorama STER 3330
Tubby the Tuba 1928

The art file issue is a small one and we are working to resolve the situation ASAP. You should also start seeing The Wonderland Music Store signage and maybe even a few press releases in the not to distant future.

From this point on, the plan is to update the catalog by adding five titles every quarter ? God willing and the creek don't rise.

The titles for the next wave (as of this moment) are:

Hawaiiannette BV 3303
The Parent Trap STER 3309
Meet Me Down On Main Street WDL 3012
A Musical Tour of France with Maurice Chevalier ST 3940
Lady and the Tramp DQ 1231

These should (should the operative word here) make it to the system sometime in June.

Hope you enjoy these new additions!

Randy Thornton

X-S Tech

Active Member
Wow thanks Randy!!

What's Secrets of Life? I remember seeing the title but didn't know what it was.

Glad the Wonderland name is being used also. The fact that it hadn't surfaced made me wonder how seriously the whole program was being taken.


Active Member
X-S, here's what I found about the film from It's a person's synopsis.

"A Walt Disney TRUE-LIFE ADVENTURE Feature. Ants, bizarre ocean dwellers & the remarkable history of the honeybee are among the SECRETS OF LIFE revealed in this splendid documentary. Time-lapse photography is highlighted in a fascinating ?bloom bolero' sequence. The film ends with eye-popping views of volcanoes. `This is an authentic story of nature's secret world...of her strange and intricate designs for survival...and her many methods of perpetuating life. The intimate and unusual scenes were made possible through the development of new photographic techniques...and through the skill and patience of many scientist-photographers.' Winston Hibler is the narrator. "

X-S Tech

Active Member
Sounds like an, er...interesting album. Nature photography. Hmmmm

Just kidding. If it was released before, it obviously made sense. And good old Winstons voice takes me right back.... ;)
WOW!! Tinpanorama and Deep in the Heart of Dixieland!! (Stacia, I never could find that dang album!!....been looking since '85!) Tinpanorama BTW features all the Sherman Brother songs used in Ludwig Von Drake's Symposium of Popluar Songs. Never thought
I'd be listening to The Rudabaga Rag ...........on a cd a car!.

.......and I can't spell ruddabega....rhuda...well.....skip it!

Great work Randy(& friends)

My reaction, too, about those 2 LP's, which I'm fortunate to have!

One thing's for certain--Randy Thornton clearly KNOWS the essentials of the Walt Disney Records catalogue!

Just a few comments on a few of the LP's I happen to have:

Deep in the Heart of Dixieland--this one features some great jazz from George Bruns and his Wonderland Band; some notes from the album jacket: "The selections in this album uniquely cover the entire history of recorded jazz.....George Bruns, the trombonist and leader of the band, has more than his share of versatility. He is one of the top musical directors at the Walt Disney Studio."

Tinpanorama--how can you go wrong with songs by the Shermans that span the musical styles of the 20th century, spiced up with Paul Free's insane "Rutabaga Rag," followed a few tracks down by his Jolsen-esque "Although I Dropped $100,000 in the Market, Baby(I Found a Million Dollars in your Smile)", which was included on the Classic Disney Vol. IV CD.

Secrets of Life--music from the score of one of Walt's True Life adventures(I still have my old comic of this one!), composed and conducted by Paul J. Smith; some notes from the album jacket: "One of the most important factors contributing to the success of the True Life adventure films has been the musical scores, all of which(with the exception of Seal Island) have been composed by Paul J. Smith. Composing for animated cartoons and for the True Life adventure films has a great deal in common, and Mr. Smith, who has been with Walt Disney since the days of Snow White to which he contributed part of the score, has done his share of both......all who have heard the music from Secrets of Life agree, however, that with this unusual, stirring and dramatic score he has achieved a truly high point in his career."

Peter and the Wolf/The Sorceror's Apprentice--this LP has the music from each piece, of course, but very importantly, there is narration by none other than Sterling Holloway!

I've been after the Louis Prima LP, which I've seen maybe a few times on ebay--pricey--and missed ever knowing about the Fess Parker record--I'm definitely a sucker for cowboy songs(Cowboy and Indian Songs--a great politically incorrect blast from the past--bring it on!).

And look what's upcoming--Thurl Ravenscroft and the Mellomen's Meet Me Down On Main Street--absolutely classic Disney sounds! A Musical Tour of France is another great upcoming LP, hosted by Maurice Chevalier; he narrates the record and performs a number of traditional French folk songs, as well as covering "It's a Small World" and "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow", along with "Joie de Vivre" from the film, "Monkeys, Go Home!".

Keep 'em coming, Randy; glad to hear that the album art reproduction problem is not an insurmountable task!



New Member
I'm sorry for asking this because it's probably been answered already... but where is this Wonderland Music Store? Is it online? Do you order by phone? Any info would be helpful, thank you.
