music exchange

Ryan Kilpatrick

New Member
This sounds like a great idea, but a few things might make it a little easier.

1. Divide things up as to what people are looking for - Park music, Animated Soundtracks, Live Action Soundtracks, Other. That way, people like myself, who are mainly interested in Park Music, wouldn't bog down the others who want mainly score and film soundtracks.

2. Make sure that it's only unreleased stuff that gets traded. If it's out of print, that's a gray area, but old vinyl LPs that are out of print should be alright.

3. A mailing list is a good idea. However, posting list on top of list will clog people's e-mail boxes, and it will be more difficult to exchange. Maybe set up an FTP site to post this stuff to? Password only, of course, but it might be easier to get to.

Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
I would also like to participate, but I have some reservations about it. I would hate for something like tihs to draw the wrong kind of attention to this site and have it shut down.

I agree with what some of you have said about keeping the trading separate from this board though. That may be the way to go, but I'm sure there will have to be some definite rules about the sharing.

Posting our lists to a general site is also a great idea, that way a person can just "flip" through all of them rather than having a dozen different emails with lists attached. It can get confusing as to whose is what if you have them sent to you.

Ben C.
After reading some of the replies in this thread, I am respectfully withdrawing as a participant.

While this type of exchange will be beneficial for collecting rare, otherwise unavailable tracks, I feel I would be tempted to ask for tracks that I could legitimately purchase from Disney.

I thank all the members who have helped me in my collection and I'll make sure to legitimately purchase the ones I can.

