Muppet Christmas Carol Soundtrack


Hey Disney Fans!

I?ve been wondering about this CD for a while, but it never occurred to me that it was Disney release. Now that I know it is, I can ask my question-

Does anyone know how I could buy a copy of the Muppet Christmas Carol soundtrack? I don?t know about you, but I think the music is awesome! Who could forget the ?Marley and Marley? song, or my favorite, ?When Love is Gone.? (That one still makes me tear up)

I would GREATLY appreciate any information you can give. Thanks soooo much!


Dr. Know

There are at least three copies available through GEMM. You can also try ebay, or perhaps Amazon merchants. It is a terrific soundtrack, and much sought after, so be prepared to pay a premium for it. Good luck!
really? starting this time of year, check those classy carboard racks at your local walgreens and wal*marts. I see it there every year for like $6.99 (maybe there is a tab punched out of the side...but who cares?).


(and I too enjoy "When Love is Gone"- not so much a holiday hummer, but pretty none the less!)

X-S Tech

Active Member
I have the cassette. The movie, while not quite on par with the Henson Era Muppet movies, really does create a nice Christmas atmosphere. As for favorite songs, I love "It feels like Christmas".

Incidentally the Overture plays as part of the BGM Loop in the Hollywood Pictures Backlot at DCA


IIRC, the cartoon was based on the album rather than the other way round. Does the CD contain the soundtrack or the original album? Or are they both the same? Or am I just losing my mind again?

X-S Tech

Active Member
Narkspud I think you're thinking of MICKEY'S Christmas Carol not the Muppets. Mickey's was an album first and then a cartoon.


narkspud reads carefully, rubs eyes, reads again, decides he's not getting nearly enough sleep, goes back to bed.
