Do any major book stores carry it? (I was born and raised in Southern California, so these are the (for me, anyhow!) significant stores: Borders, Barnes and Noble, and the soon-to-be-gone TOwer Records;most are nationwide.)
Novemebr 13,2060 Went to Disneyland (Anaheim) and the book is as omniprenset as Sterling Hollowayand co.'
It is a MUST HAVE!
Sam Edwards
Robie Lester
Dallas McKennon
Lois Lane (Sic)
Teri York
GInny Tyler
Peter Renoudet/Reneday
Sterling Holloway
Mike Sammes
and many more are covered! My congrats go out to Tim & Greg for this...and it is a softbound covered book..very interesting stuff..
Second Cast LPs are of course given a MAJOR shot in the arm, and a lot of info on the beautiful Robie Lester's replacement voices on stuf like Aristocats, which apparantly caused her some problems regarding the billing in credits and she was credited for a "Aristo-Kitten" voiced according to the record label by someone else. (Lois Lane changed to that name becuase of Superman's girlfriend! Well, if Disney hasn't sued "Fatnasia" the singer from "American Idol", then maybe it's goof that DC comcis hasn't sued xsomeone named Lois Lane.Interesting to see she was a 24-year old British actress in the 1970s who British-ised Disney reaidngs, (as said in the book.)