MORE Disneyland SHAG/Enchanted Tiki Room coming!!!

Wow! Just when you thought you had the complete Shag/Tiki Room collection, comes ANOTHER event! This one promises to be the 2nd and LAST. So far no mugs have been announced. What HAS been announced is the following: New Limited Edition Serigraph, New Aloha shirt, New handbag, New T-shirt (this time for men), New Petite Print, and a new mousepad. Remember that these are all new designes by Shag different from the first event. You can see pictures of most of these items at
Hopefully more items will be announced! You can bet that they will have plenty of Tiki Room CDs available at THIS event!
Your friend,
Louis :)

X-S Tech

Active Member
I also heard tell of a Tiki Garden Big Fig that Shag would be sculpting, but I'm not sure if this is true...

X-S Tech

Active Member
For the record, Shag will NOT be appearing at the park. Just the merchandise. I'm sure that's not the sort of thing that Disney will mention unless they are asked though I'm sure there will be many a guest who will go expecting him to be there like last time.


Yes these events are held for "collectors" with money. What no one seems to want to face is the fact that as the "magic" has been drained from the Disney empire by Scrooge McEisner, so has the value of our Disney collections. So is it really smart or even fun anymore to attend and purchase this overpriced merchandise.

As the Disney empire has devolved into a cut rate kiddies brand. (i.e. the princessfication of the late great Disney Stores and new kiddie based theme park attractions) And the animation output consisting mostly of asian animated ripoffs of past glories. (I'm sure you can pick your own example here) There really is not much of a market left for high priced collectibles. So buy it if you love it, just don't expect it to skyrocket in value. With Disney no longer synonymous with quality our collections have become cut-rate too. Thanks Michael you business genius you. Yeah...I'm bitter. :'(
Have you noticed how there are no Tiki Farm items this time around? I wonder why. I hope they didn't have a disagreement with Disney. They produce beautiful Tiki items (such as the expensive Shag mugs). I used to think that Tiki mugs were overpriced until I saw what it takes to make them. Did you know that a third of them go to waste in the making-of process? They tend to crack and split in the process. Anyways, I saw a beautiful, yet simple, Tiki Room mug made by Tiki Farm for the purpose of sale in Adventureland. It wasn't supposed to be a limited edition. It seems that Disney asked for it and approved it months ago, but they have neglected to order it so far. This mug would probably be less than $10 and most people could buy it. Seems like wenever an obvious big seller like this crosses their path, they either not produce it, or make it a limited edition so most collectors can't buy it. I hate when people scoop these items up for the purpose of re-sale. Leaves the real collectors paying higher prices to scalpers. Oh well.
Your friend,
