Mickey Mouse Disco


This question is for Tim Hollis, Greg Ehrbar and Randy Thornton regarding the Mickey Mouse Disco LP. After reading MOUSE TRACKS, I went to do a search for the album, Cartoon Disco, which included disco versions of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah and Chim Chim Cher-ee. I later stumbled upon an album on Itunes titled Saturday Morning Fever by the Chldren's Disco Workshop, which was actually a reissue of Cartoon Disco, released originally by Musicor Records in 1978. I was shocked after hearing Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah and Chim Chim Cher-ee to find that these were the exact versions heard on the Mickey Mouse Disco but were mixed differently and that Chim Chim Cher-ee was slightly longer. Anyways, on that same album were disco versions of the Mickey Mouse March, Who's Afraid of the Big Band Wolf and Whistle While You Work and it had me wondering that why weren't they included on MMD. I couldn't find who arranged these tracks on Cartoon Disco but I assume it was Dennis Burnside who did the Mickey Mouse Disco album. I do know, that according to the book, MOUSE TRACKS, that the Cartoon Disco LP was produced by Paul Whitehead. Would any of you three elaborate more about these two albums. Thanks in advance.



Which album came first? Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah and Chim Chim Cheree were both the last tracks on side A and B of Mickey Mouse Disco respectively, which means they could have been purchased from this album to use as filler.

Thanks for bringing up this album. I'm digging it!

I'm expecting Greg to put in his twopence worth on this topic, as he had the "Kartoon Disko" (I think that's the official spelling) LP long before I ever heard it. I do recall that Paul Whitehead told us it was done circa 1976, and that for some reason they chose to reuse "Zip" and "Chim" on MM DISCO. If you'll notice, "Zip" had some remixing done to it between the two records.

The big mystery is where the "Small World" cut on MM DISCO came from. I think it was Jymn Magon who said that single track was given to him at the start of the project, to indicate how they wanted the rest of the LP to sound, but he never knew where or when it was recorded, and neither did Pat Patrick or Paul Whitehead at their Nashville studios. (Pat, for his part, claims he wrote "The Greatest Band" in about five minutes.)

Hopefully my colleague will be able to add something to this somewhat non-discussion.

Thanks for the info and for responding. It seems to me that the "It's A Small World" track has the same arrangement as the 1977 Mouseketeers' "Disco Mouse" single. But who knows!
