"Magic, Music & Mayhem" Source Audio

Does anybody have the source audio from the "Pirates & Princess Party" called "Magic, Music & Mayhem"? I was listening to Mouse Lounge that the "Magic, Music & Mayhem" fireworks show was done in live audio with just fireworks sounds, but the source audio does not. Do you have it the source audio of that show without fireworks?

Club 33

Playlist Author
So far the only one who has been able to get his hands on source audio is Martin Smith, maker of the many theme park attraction tributes. He's released a video with the source mixed in with live fireworks sounds, because the audio was given to him with the condition it not be released "clean".

Same thing happened with the "Happy Hallowishes" source. I suspect it will turn up on the 'net at some point (maybe Disney will even release it on CD) but until then, this is the best you can do:


Club 33

Playlist Author
How do you know Martin's the only one who has it?

I don't. Martin is the only one I know of that has it.

So far the only one who has been able to get his hands on source audio is Martin Smith, maker of the many theme park attraction tributes. He's released a video with the source mixed in with live fireworks sounds, because the audio was given to him with the condition it not be released "clean".

Same thing happened with the "Happy Hallowishes" source. I suspect it will turn up on the 'net at some point (maybe Disney will even release it on CD) but until then, this is the best you can do:


Does it have fireworks sounds and crowds mixed with the music?


New Member
As Club33 said, I was asked not to release the source audio clean. I purposely degraded it with synced live firework noise - which by it`s very nature is bound to have some guest noise too.

The Megaupload file above is indeed this mix; source music with live fireworks mixed at the appropiate moments.



Actually, it is... just a lower quality mono recording. Still, much better than anything else easily accessible out there. Thanks so much for posting this!! :)


Playlist Author
A mono recording of the source audio as played in the park - yes. A copy of the actual source material - no.

I didn't want anyone to think it was actually the source material, as suggested by musicradio77.


Playlist Author
I equate "source" as you describe above, the original source of the audio or a master copy, which would not include induction or ALD recordings. I didn't want those who use the same definition of source as I do to think that the copy that was posted to Rodentsections, and which was linked here, was a "source" copy. Rather, it was an induction recording that I made which has flaws that would not be present in the source/master copy.


I agree! In terms of park audio...

Source for me is off the actual source of the audio, be it CD or however they play it at the parks.

Induction and ALD (while often very good) would be a recording and in no way would I consider it source.

We also have a few reconstructions floating around which I think we refer to as source quality, but still not source. They are fantastic, but still not source.


well those tapes are as much source as rehearsal cds are now. it's all there was back then. i consider rehearsal cds source even though the audio quality's not usually the best. but they usually aren't the finalized versions for a while.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Due to the need to have a standardized grading system to classify the quality of park audio, I've come up with a simple lettering system, shown below. Please go through your collections and classify what you have. This standardized system will make trading a lot less confusing for everyone.

A= Lossless Digital file directly from a WDI (ie: CD or Tape)
B= Compressed digital file of a WDI Source
C= Digital file of a 1st or 2nd Generation Analog recording of a WDI Source
D= Digital file of a 3rd or 4th Generation Analog recording of a WDI Source
E= Digital file of a 5th or worse Generation Analog recording of a WDI Source
F= Induction Recording High Quality
G= ALD Recording High Quality
H= Induction Recording- Med Quality
I= ALD Recording- Med Quality
J= Indcution Recording- Poor Quality
K= ALD Recording- Might as well be Live
L= Live Recording- Professional Binaural Equipment
M= Live Recording- Standard Equipment
N= Live Recording- Audio ripped from a Video Recording
O= Live Recording- Microphone was hidden in my front pocket
P= 1980's Parade Rehearsal Tape

Simple yes?
X-S, I have assigned grades to more than 1,700 tracks. I have some which fall in between the 'D' and 'E' grades as well as quite a few which are between 'I' and 'J'. Should we propose a D.1, D.2., etc., classification for these or would a percentage indicator per letter grade be preferred?


X-S Tech

Active Member
A percentage would probably be helpful. Also we should figure out some way to indicate how many times a track has been through the rip>>compress>>burn>>rip... process. Perhaps a system of Roman Numerals or Greek letters? ie: Monorail Song (2:00) (A.2.Omega)


Active Member
"L= Live Recording- Professional Binaural Equipment"

Does anything like that even exist? It's funny, because I wish it did for all live ride-throughs of attractions. A nice, clean true binaural recording of an attraction would be great! But...I think they really only exist in your classification system...which makes my head hurt! I have a hard enough time trying to indentify tracks let alone assign them roman numerals or Greek letters!! :p
